Chapter Nine - Hello My Old Friends

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Evie's P.O.V -
We (Flynn, Angie, Joseph and I) were all sitting in a restaurant celebrating the events of today.

"To the happy couple," Joseph toasts.

We all repeat his words and clink our glasses together.

"Is anyone else coming?" I ask, noticing some empty seats at our table.

"Yeah, three people."

We continue to talk until voices speak up from behind us.

"Matt? Paige? Sam? Johnny?"

They're grinning back at me as I get up and pull them into a warm embrace.

"I haven't seen you all in ages. Well, apart from you, Matt."

"Yeah, it's been a while," Johnny says.

Johnny and I met again after I left. He had been travelling as part of a band and was doing a gig in London. I dropped by. We kind of ended up together. It was nice but he had to leave again and distance brought us apart. But now he's here, celebrating my engagement. I wonder what he's thinking.

Sam is another ex but I haven't seen him since before I left. I feel bad for giving him no warning and only dating him because it's what was "right". I know his feelings for me were genuine.

Paige was one of my first friends here, but as soon as we became close we drifted apart because I was busy chasing after Flynn.

Matt, well, he's Matt. He used to be a huge sleaze but I believe him when he says he's changed. I see the way he's looking at Paige tonight. Is she his girlfriend?

I kind of feel like the woman out of Mumma Mia when the three dads come back. My past is staring me in the face as I look towards the future.

"So, I was thinking that each of us take turns to say stuff about Evie and Flynn," Angie says, breaking the silence as we sit back down.

"Alright, who's starting?" Joseph asks.

"I'll start," volunteers Johnny. "Flynn, you've been one of my best friends since we were kids. Us and Joseph were the perfect trio and I don't regret a second of it. I'm glad that you've gotten over Anna and are finally with someone who will make you happy. Evie, it's really good to see you again. I'm happy for you too for finding your way back to Flynn. I hope that wherever your future takes you both, that it'll be one hell of a ride."

"Thanks Johnny," Flynn says.

I can't help but notice that he was tiptoeing around the fact that we used to be together. I don't think Flynn knows. I don't know how he's react either. He was kind of crazy with jealousy when I dated Sam.

"I'll go next," Sam says. "Flynn, I don't know you very well but you seem like a great guy. Evie, you are beautiful and it's wonderful that you're finally with someone who you truly love. I wish you both the best of luck."

Unlike Johnny, Sam doesn't seem to care if Flynn gets jealous. I glance at Flynn but he remains poker faced. I didn't realise how much drama was going to be at this dinner.

Without warning, Matt starts to talk. "Evie, Flynn, I was a complete ass to you both in the past and I'm very sorry for that. It's good to know that you're both going to be taken care of so well by each other. I don't really have anything else to say."

Paige goes next. "Evie, when I first met you, Flynn was the most confusing person on earth to everyone. He still confuses the hell out of me but it seems like you know what you're doing. Flynn, don't mess this up again please."

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