Chapter Six - Saying Goodbye

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Evie's P.O.V -
Flynn wasn't lying when he said he would book the tickets. Right now we're saying our last goodbyes to Angie and Joseph before leaving to visit my dad.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Angie says as she hugs me.

"Hope your dad gets better soon." Joseph is smiling sadly. "Angie would kill you if you weren't back before the baby is born."

We all laugh together then stand in comfortable silence. I really hope we won't be gone for too long.

"I'm sorry that I had to cut our two weeks short," I tell Angie.

"Don't worry about it. Some things are more important. But I'm happy that you two are back together. You're good for each other."

Flynn puts an arm around me and I embrace him back.

We wave goodbye as we walk further into the airport.

- - -

I'm exhausted by the time we make it to London. We make our way to the nearest hotel and book a room.

"You booked a room with only one bed," I point out.

Flynn smirks. "I know."

I laugh at him and we both get ready. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day. I don't know if I'm ready to face it yet but being here with Flynn makes things feel so much easier.

- - -

We arrive at the hospital early the next morning. I thank the taxi driver as we climb out and are greeted by the overwhelmingly big hospital building.

"Are you ready?"

"I don't think I'll ever be ready."

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up without checking the caller ID.


"Evie. Hi." Ugh, Rebecca. "I just called to tell you not to bother coming back to England. Stevie's dead."

I feel my eyes sting with tears. This can't be true. It has to be one of Rebecca's cruel tricks.


"Stevie died last night at twelve on the dot. So you don't need to come here."

"I'm outside the hospital right now."

"Oh, well, you can go home. Unless you want to come to the funeral. It's next week." Rebecca hangs up. God, she's probably marvelling in her own horribleness right now.

"Evie?" I look at Flynn and the tears start to pour.

"He's dead."

I'm pulled into a tight hug and the sobs escape me. He's really gone. He was the only family I had left and now he's been ripped from my life.

"We're taking the next flight back," Flynn says.

"No. I need to stay for the funeral," I manage to reply through my tears.

"I can't bear to see you like this..."

"I can't bear to feel like this." He holds me tighter and I cry against his chest.

"Things will get better, Evie. Your dad is still with you in your heart."

I never thought that I'd ever hear something so cliché coming out of Flynn's mouth. When his mum died all that came from him was hatred toward me. I feel like I should hate him too right now but I just can't. Him, Angie and Joseph are all I have left now. I need to be strong for them all. I need to keep trying my hardest.

- - -

A/N -
Sorry for the short chapter guys. I just noticed I hadn't updated in a few days but I'm not in the best mood for writing plus this is a sad chapter. Poor Evie :(

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