10 | hermes the trickster

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[ graphic deviantart: @lighane]

a jar of secrets
10 | hermes the trickster

"Do you realise you were going over the speed limit back there sir and then continued to ignore the sirens and finally slam on your breaks very sudden that I could've crashed into you?"

I glare at Hermes in the mirror, yeah because that idiot scared me to death. 

"I'm terribly sorry officer something just spooked me."

The officer appears to be a middle aged man with dark hair and a tight lip frown - in other words he doesn't look friendly.

"License and registration kid."

His dark eyes look around the car as Hermes appears to be getting something out of his pocket and spots me behind, I give him a shaky wave but then his eyes land on Hades and they widen.

"Step out of the vehicle, right now!" He yells making a go to grab his weapon from his side and grabbing his walkie-talkie in the other. "Calling back up on-"

I think I'm about to faint again.

"Now now officer, he's just sleeping off a really bad hangover." Hermes tells him as if he was stating the colour of the sky or having a discussion about the weather.

The officer blinks as if confused by this and what he is doing with his gun out but then nods his head taking the card from Hermes and putting his gun away.

"This is a get out of jail free card from Monopoly?" The officer frowns glancing across at him.

Are you seriously kidding me right now Hermes? Is he trying to get us thrown into jail cells?

"That it is officer." Is all Hermes says and I groan throwing my good hand over my face.

We're done for now.

"It seems to check out but be careful next time won't you and tell your friend to lay off the drinks."

Wait what? I open my eyes shocked to see the officer smile my way.

"Sure thing officer, have a good afternoon."

I watch as the officer walk back towards his car and hop inside without a backwards glance.

"Well that was easy!" Hermes mumbles sounding a little disappointed but he smiles as he turns around to face me.

"Let me guess, magic?" I joke weakly, both my hands are shaking slightly from the shock but I don't think I'm going to pass out this time.

"Yep and now time to wake up sleeping beauty," he says more to himself than me as he puts his hand on Hades shoulder.

Although before he can even touch him, Hades sits up and grabs Hermes hand without even opening his eyes.

I blink.

Dude has some super reflexes!

"Where's Persephone?"

"I'm here Hades." I tell him reaching between the middle to touch his hand lightly.

Hades opens his eyes suddenly and looks over at me, his eyes softening ever so slightly before removing his hand from Hermes.

"Sorry Hermes, didn't know it was you," he mumbles tiredly.

"Yeah yeah and big guy kills anything to save his girl, I get ya!" He then turns to me. "So you are Persephone then?"

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