Black Veil Brides: Andley Sad One-shot - The Kill (Bury Me) Part 2

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A/N: I don't like sad endings, so here's a second part to this one-shot for similar minded people who don't like sad endings for their ships. It's only short, but at least it's a positive ending.

Black Veil Brides: Andley Sad One-shot

The Kill (Bury Me) Part 2

Even with Andy here by my love was killing me.

You're killing me, killing me.

All I wanted was you.



"Ashley, oh God Ashley, please...please don't leave me..." cried a deep voice from somewhere in the darkness, the voice familiar but I couldn't place it.


"Why didn't I notice? We were best friends, Juliet, how could I not see it?"

"'Cos that piece of shit faggot is apparently a good actor." replied another familiar voice, this one full of spite and hatred. Even if I couldn't remember 'Juliet', I knew I didn't like her, and apparently she didn't like me much either.

"Juliet, you can't fucking say that about Ashley, he's - "


"NURSE!" The deep voice screamed, sounding panicked: "NURSE! Fuck, please God, oh fuck -"

"Andy - "

"FUCK OFF, JULIET!" roared the voice, and I felt a hand clutching mine in the darkness, the cool skin feeling nice. It made me want to leave the darkness, although the darkness around me felt safe, comfortable...except the pain in my chest...

What if I wanted to fight?

Laugh it all off in your face?

I am finished with this!

Suddenly that cool hand was ripped from mine, and I had the sensation of moving even as the pain in my chest started spreading, getting closer and closer to my head: something I knew instinctively to be bad: very bad.

Struggling, I fought my way through the blackness, but it was like tar: cloying and thick, hard to move through and hard to pierce. I couldn't do it...I tried and I tried but -


That deep voice was Andy. Andy asked me not to leave him. Even if he didn't love me in the way I loved him, he would be sad if I ran away from this life.

I didn't want him to be sad. Not now, not ever.

I'm not running from you.

I want to fight, no more bullshitting.

My back arched as I felt my ribs break and an electric shook run through my body, but I gritted my teeth against the pain and went with it. I fought to make my heart beat, fought to stay here...I fought to stay with Andy.


"His heart-rate's steadying." claimed someone in the distance.

"Brain waves are good..."

"All vital signs are normal."


"Ashley, can you hear me? It's Andy."


"I'm so fucking sorry, Ash, you have no idea...I should have seen this: I had no idea how I didn't. I love you Ash, I really do."

Oh, you have no idea. I thought, but it might give the game away if I said that out loud, so instead I settled for: "Hey, Andy. Wild night." 

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