My Chemical Romance: Gerard Way & OC Vampire Romance - Gunman

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My Chemical Romance: Gerard Way & OC Vampire Romance


The moon glowed in the midnight sky as I walked down the empty street. I didn't want to be walking around at this time of night, not in New Jersey, but as usual my parents weren't interested in lending me a hand on something even this simple, so it wasn't exactly like I had a choice.

As I walked further I began to hear another pair of footsteps besides my own, and so I began to walk home a little faster. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I saw a man in all black following me, hands in his pockets with his head ducked. Something about him was suspicious, and I speed up even more, desperate to get away from him: desperate enough to stupidly take the left before the one I was meant to, turning round in a panic to see that same man had followed me into the alleyway I was now trapped in, holding a gun.

His icy eyes were set upon me and the gun rose to become level with my head, making me whimper involuntarily with fear. My brain screamed at me to move, just to get the fuck out of here, but it was too late; the man shot his gun and the bullet sped towards my head.

Without thinking, I shut my eyes, not wanting to see my death coming.

Prepared to die, I were astounded - and obviously grateful - when the bullet never touched me. I slowly opened your eyes, unsure of if I'd really been saved or not. But it was what I saw next shocked me more than even being alive did:

Gerard Way.

A guy from my school with shoulder length greasy black hair and a nasty temper, or so I'd heard from the girls who'd seen him almost beat the boys taunting him into a coma. He was the quiet boy who sat at the back of the class and never spoke except to growl warnings at people, and now he was the person who was now standing in front of me with a bullet through his chest.

He'd died for me, and I didn't even know him.

He glanced at me once and then at the gunman, his eyes that had been calmly neutral when he looked at me became cold, and I could swear that the the gold that should have been warm was almost....frosting over. Like it was actually lightening to become more and more like frozen metal.

Slowly, he began to prowl over to the stunned gunman, who was almost wetting himself from fear since Gerard seemed absolutely fine, and was now cracking his neck to the side and digging his fingers into his own chest with a psychotic smile, pulling out the crumpled bullet, covered in dark blood before he smirked at the gunman.

"You shouldn't have done that." he purred, before he violently bit into the man's neck and started...drinking. Drinking his blood.

I didn't want to believe it, couldn't comprehend what I was seeing in front of me; people didn't drink other people's blood. They just didn't.

But when Gerard released the gunman, letting him flop to the ground, his chin was dripping with blood, and fangs glinted in the dim light from the street. Silently we both stood there, him seeming to be lost in thought, me too scared to move.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have killed him." His tongue slipped out of his mouth licked blood that rested on his lips. "It's just, he was going to kill you. And I love you...or at least I think I do."

His voice was cold, and his face was as unreadable as a blank sheet of paper, but for some...unknown reason I could sense that he was upset.

"I was so angry and just so thirsty." He explained.

"What's wrong with water?" I asked, my fear gone now; if he'd wanted to kill me, he'd have already done it. He had a reason for keeping me alive - maybe he even loved me like he'd claimed - so for now, I was safe.

"I'm a vampire." He admitted, smiling slightly at me: "Water just won't do it for me anymore. I'm sorry: please, forgive me."

"I don't exactly think I'm in a position not to." I said as slowly - cautiously - I walked over to him and hugged him tightly, trying to thank him for saving my life. A single tear slipped down from his eye as he wrapped his arms tightly around me in return, seemingly unwilling to let you go: "I love you." he said once again as he kissed the top of my head, nuzzling his pale face against the blonde curls.

"So..." I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me and not for the first time: "If you're a you have fangs?"

"That's it?" he asked, sounding astounded and looking down at my with hazel eyes wide with amazement: "I tell you that I'm a vampire who believes himself to be in love with you, and that is all you have to say?"

"Well...can you turn into a bat?"

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