My Chemical Romance: Frerard Smut/Fluff - I'm Unashamed I'm Gonna Show My Scars

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A/N: Mostly I try to avoid debates like these, but just so we're clear...GERARD! ALWAYS! TOPS!

Kay? I'm done now.

My Chemical Romance: Frerard Smut/Fluff

I'm Unashamed, I'm Gonna Show My Scars

"Frank...Frank, sugar, are you there?" called my boyfriend Gerard as the front door slammed behind him.

I pulled myself out of the bathtub, pressing some scrunched up toilet paper to the freshly made gaps in my skin. I pulled my long-sleeved t-shirt down once the blood had stopped flowing and left the bathroom to see Gerard smiling softly at me from where he was standing in the living room, holding a back of Chinese take-out.

"Hey Gee." I smiled back, running over and jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck and my legs around his waist even tighter, clinging to him like a baby koala or something: "I missed you."

"Aw, sugar, I missed you too." he cooed back, petting my hair as he snaked his other around my body, settling under my ass to hoist me closer to him.

"I hate it when you're away." I muttered against his neck.

Gerard chuckled before putting the Chinese food in the microwave - still holding me up - and carrying me into our bedroom, sitting on the bed and carefully unwrapping my legs so he could lie down with me on top, straddling him. We lay peacefully for a few minutes, Gerard's hands running soothingly up and down my back.

I wasn't sure how he knew that I wanted and needed his comfort right now, I hoped to God he didn't know what I'd been getting up to before he got in, but all he did was sweetly caress my back, his hands never straying lower than the hollow at the small of my back, and never slipping below my shirt.

Gerard always had known me scarily well: enough that when I shifted my hips over his, wanting for him to maybe put his hands on my skin or stray a little lower than my back, that was exactly what he did:

"You feeling needy, sugar?" he purred in my ear, slipping his hands under the waist of my skinny jeans to cup my ass over my boxers.

I whimpered and nodding, making him chuckle huskily before he withdrew his hand, making me whine before he carefully cupped the sides of my neck with his palms, pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. The kiss got hotter and hotter, his hands moving from the sides of my neck to my hair with one hand and my lower back with the other, pulling me tighter against him, leaving my no chance of a respite when he started to grind his hips up against mine.

I moaned, my breathing shaky as he started to pull my shirt up over my head, breaking the kiss for little less than seconds then returning to it before I could even fully register he had been gone. A second after that, he rolled so he was on top of my, adjusting us so he was now straddling me and breaking the kiss again to grin down at me sadistically as he pulled his own shirt over his head, leaving him just in his low-rise skinny jeans, showing off the slight V of his hips.

I lost my breath at the sight of him: pale skin covering a body to die for, a shock of red hair and hazel eyes glinting with emotions from love to lust to teasing affection.

Clearly in the mood to tease me, Gerard unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them slowly, never breaking eye contact, making me pant with want as he let me see just enough to know he wasn't wearing undearwear but nothing more. I moaned needfully and he laughed huskilly, before throwing his head back, tangling his hands in his own hair and tugging on it as his eyes shut in pleasure and he rocked his hips against mine.

"Gerard, Gerard please." I moaned, bucking my hips up against his desperately. He just made me so fucking needy.

Gerard flipped us to he was below me once again, looking up at me mischieviously: "Ride me."

Hurridley we both stripped our clothes off, the pair of us soon I was back on top of him, grabbing his dick and slowly sat down on it, feeling every inch of him as he pushed inside me.

"Oh...urgh...Gerard!" I moaned, slowly pulling myself up and them dropping back down again.

Gerard's hands strayed down to my hips, his fingers tracing over old scars tenderly before he gripped them tightly and guided me as I bounced up and down on him, whimpering needfully.

I screamed out as Gerard hit my prostrate.

He grinned and flipped me over, pounding relentlessly into my spot as I lay helplessly underneath him, screaming out every time he hit my prostrate dead-on, the pleasure tearing through me almost painfully...but oh God, was it good!

My mouth opened wide as I came, wanting to scream but unable to make a sound. Gee was close after me, shouting my name out as I felt warmth inside of me, making me buck up against him in pleasure even if I had already come.

We collapsed, Gerard kissing everywhere he could reach without moving out of me. I lazily reached up to run my fingers through his scarlet hair, and he turned to kiss my wrists.

Then froze.

"Frankie?" he asked softly, sitting up on top of me and grabbing both my wrists.

Realising what he'd seen - the fresh cuts on my wrists - I turned my head against the pillows, almost crying.

I'd let him down again. He was definitely gonna leave me now; how could anyone bear to be with me when I was so fucking ugly and useless...

"Oh, Frankie, my Frankie..." Gee sighed, lying down to pull me into a hug again, singing under his breath. I cried softly into his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Gee, so so sorry!" I sobbed, but Gee only shushed me softly and stroked my hair tenderly.

"Never mind, Frankie: you lapsed, and that's bad...but you're still my Frankie. Still my love. Still my heart. And one day, when you're better, you'll be unashamed and you'll show your scars. And you know what?"

"What?" I whimpered.

"When you do, sugar, I'll be right by your side, just like always."

"Promise?" I begged, my pride long gone, but I didn't care anymore. With Gerard, my pride wasn't an issue; I loved him, and trusted him with anything, no matter what,

"I promise."

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