REQUEST Bring Me The Horizon: Oli Sykes & OC Fluff - Sleepwalker

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Request for xAustinCarlilex, who is my favourite person on Wattpad has because she's essentially given me the ideas for over half the one-shots in this book.

Bring Me The Horizon: Oli Sykes & OC Fluff


"Miss Nicholls, there is someone at the office to see you." said the school secretary as she poked her head around the door of the English room I was in, my teacher pausing to look at me and pull a face like I'd just killed his puppy; Mr. Ross was actually one of the few teachers I could stand, and I knew he was just joking.

"You better take your bags, Em, there's only fifteen minutes left." he said, his tone friendly as I nodded and put my things away before following the secretary out of the room. The walk to the office was spent in silence, but luckily it wasn't a long walk. I was looking at the floor - staring at my feet as usual - when I heard a familiar voice call out:

"It's Em!"

I was grabbed in a tight hug a second later, my face pressed uncomfortably against someone's chest, but I didn't mind; I knew it was Oli, one of my best friends, and I hadn't seen him in so fucking long! I knew that, considering that I was in high school, I should have friends closer to my own age...but around here those people weren't particularly...human.

They really did seem like a totally different species sometimes: I didn't even understand what they were saying half the time - what the fuck did SWAG mean? And they whole 'OBEY' thing people were in to...I didn't even know what that was all about...and I didn't think I wanted to either...

Eventually, though, I slapped Oli on the back, muttering: "I can't fucking breathe here."

"Oh. Sorry." Oli said sheepishly as he blushed and I laughed at his embarrassment. It was hard to embarrass Oli; he was used to all kinds of shit being said to him, ranging from good to bad and sometimes down-right creepy.

"It's okay. What are you doing here?"

"You've got a 'dentist.s appointment', remember?"

"Oh, right, yeah...the dentist's."

"I've missed you."

"Ah, sweetheart, I've missed you too. No come on - we've got things to be doing."

"Like what?"

Oli grinned at me before tapping the side of his nose mysteriously before he grabbed my hand and led me out of the office to his car: "You'll see. C'mon, you've got a concert to go to tonight, and we're doing something before that, let's go!"

We got in his car and sped off, him muttering something about that place not being nearly as educational as kindergarden was, making me chuckle.

"So how's school been?"

I tensed up at Oli's question, but soon forced myself to relax, forcing myself to concentrate on the face that he didn't know anything about the bullying, or my abusive boyfriend, or the cutting...he didn't know anything, and so I was still in the clear. Hopefully.

"It's good. Boring, but, you's school." I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to keep my tone light. Oli looked slightly suspicious, but he let it go.

"I remember." he chuckled, probably thinking about his own school days, "I couldn't even make it out of bed some days when I thought about what I was going to have to go through."

I laughed along with him as we pulled up to the local mall.

"C'mon. Today is going to be a good day."

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