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Hoseok's POV

"Baby! Look there's a flower in the middle of the field!" You said pointing the plant not so far away as you run towards it.

I followed you to check.

"I see." I said while I touch your back.

"Isn't she pretty?" You said while looking at me with sparkling eyes.

"It is, but you're prettier Y/N." I replied to you and feel your cheeks at the back of my hand.


I am still half asleep not wanting to wake from a beautiful dream.

"Hmmm." It took me a while to realized that I slept beside Y/N. She has her eyes close but her hand is touching my hair.

I smile thinking back the dream I just had. It was beautiful.

But why did I dreamed about her?

I removed her hand from my head giving it a little massage as I look around the room. Everybody is on their own sleeping spot having a good rest.

I look at her again and jumped a little when I met her eyes. I thought she was sleeping.

"You're awake." I said and fix her pillow underneath her head. She just nodded at me not making any response in form of words.

"Does this hurt?" I pointed her hand that has a bandage on. (The part where the dextrose was before.)

"Nope." She smiled.

A knock on the door took away my attention from her to the entrance of the room.

I went to open the door to see my manager and Namjoon standing outside fully disguised.

"Manager hyung, Namjoon, come in." I let them in and peek outside the door to see the situation outside before closing it.

"Hi." Y/N sat and greeted them.

"Hello." Manager greeted her back with a smile and faces me.

"Your fans are piling up outside so let's just stay here a little longer." He told me while checking his phone.

"Hi Y/N, how are you?" Namjoon spoke to her.

"I'm already fine but the doctor wants to run some test on me that's why I'm staying here longer than expected." She said while giving him a bright smile.

The others are still sleeping and this room is getting a little crowded.

"You should take a rest Y/N." I said tucking her into the bed.

"I can't sleep when BTS is here." She said looking at Namjoon.

"Hey, I'm BTS too." I told her stealing her attention from the leader.

"I know Hobi. That's why I can't just take a rest." She said.

"But you have to take a rest. You'll end up staying here longer if you don't." I convinced her.

"If I sleep, you guys might disappear without me knowing. I'll stay awake until you all leave. Okay?" She said.

"Aishh. So stubborn." I ruffled her hair. "Do as you want. I'll just talk to them." I told her and went to my manager and Namjoon.


"Guys let's move! The fans are slowly dispersing so I guess it's time for us to go home." Manager announced.

"Okay fix your things cause we're leaving in 10 minutes." -Namjoon

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I walk towards Y/N with a glass of water.

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