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"Y/N... Let's get back together..." He said.

It was a faint whisper but loud enough to be heard...

"W-what..?" I asked under my breath as I look back at him.

"Let's get back together..." He repeated.

"Hah. Are you kidding me?" I laugh.

"I'm serious." He said.

"HAHAHA." I laugh... and laugh... and laugh...

The audacity.

"Okay, enough jokes." I took a deep breath. "I admit that it was funny."

"I'm not joking Y/N... I really want us to be together again." He said while reaching for my hands.

I sway his hand away. "Do you hear yourself? Huh? Hoseok? Do you realize how selfish you sound?"

He stayed silent.

"Tss. After telling me to not show my face in front of you... after all the pain I went through... here you are asking me to get back together?" I laugh. "Bullshit."

I felt my eyes watering.

"BULLSHIT!" I shouted pushing him back. "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Still pushing him while now, crying.

It really hurts.

"Y/N... I'm sorry...." He said grabbing my hands to stop me from pushing him.

"You're sorry? YOU ARE SORRY? It's too late. We're done." I said walking back to the door, aggressively wiping my tears.

"Y/N... I know what I did was wrong but I have my reasons..." He called but I didn't look back.

"Y/N... Just give me a chance. Please?" He called again.

I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Eo-eonni..." I stopped.

"Y/N..." Its Hoseok's sister, Dawoon. "I heard you two we're fighting so I didn't come in."

She pulled me into a hug.

"It's been a while, Y/N." She said.

"Y-yeah. It's been a while." I hug her back but quickly break away. "Sorry eonni, I have to go."

"Y/N, can you stay for a while? I have something to tell you." She said stopping me.

"I have things to do eonni. Hmm. You can just text me or I'll call you..." I forced to smile at her.

"You are here anyway. Let's just sit it out. Please?" She pleaded.

"I'm so sorry but I really need to go-"

"I'm getting married." She announced before I can run away.

"What?" I ask.

"I said I'm getting married!" She grabbed my hand. "Y/N, I want you to be there."

"S-sorry?" I looked at Hoseok.

Didn't he tell her that we already broke up?

"I'm inviting you to my wedding and I'm not taking NO for an answer." She said. "Let's go inside. I already planned it all out."

"Eonni-" She drag me inside and forced me to sit.

"Also, I'm cooking dinner so you have to stay to eat." She grabs my bag and put somewhere I can't find.

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