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Chapter One

Luke's POV

Jeremy sent a car to pick me up this morning, I have no idea what is going on and why the boys aren't with me but I guess I am about to find out. The car stopped and I got out, realising I was at Remy's office. I walked into the reception and walked up to the desk.

 "Hi, Luke Brooks to see Remy." I said

 "Hi Luke, take a seat, Remy won't be long" she replied

 I walked over and took a seat, tapping my foot up and down repeatedly as I waited, I looked round the reception and was surprised to see Andi Miller, she's this incredible singer who's my age I think.

"Luke Brooks, Andi Miller, Jeremy and Lucy are ready for you." The receptionist said, we both stood up and started following the receptionist. We both ended up in the same office.

"Take a seat both of you, please." Remy said and a woman who I assumed was Lucy standing beside him. We took a seat at the table and Remy and Lucy sat on the other side.

"Have you two met before?" Remy asked

"No" I said confused.

"Andi, Luke. Luke, Andi. And this is Lucy, Andi's manager." Remy said

"Hi" I said

"Hi" Andi replied

"What's going on?" Andi then asked, looking directly at Lucy.

"We, as management, have decided that you two need to be in relationships..." Remy began before he was interrupted

"No way. No!" Andi suddenly interrupted Remy standing up from her chair.

"Andi just listen" Lucy told her firmly

"It will be good for both your images to the public, so we have decided that you two will be an official couple from now on. You will go on dates, attend functions and all that other couple stuff including posting photos on social media. If you don't do this, there will be consequences." Remy told us firmly.

"What sort of consequences?" I asked, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Life can be made very hard for the both of you. Blacklisted for management companies, entertainment interests and record labels, uninvited to events...and rumours that can threaten careers can be unveiled. But we wouldn't want that now would we?" Lucy said smirking as she knew we were both stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"You can't do this" I stated

"We can and we will. Now you two will be a happy couple until we tell you otherwise." Remy stated.

"And how do you see this working then?" Andi asked, anger evident in her voice.

"Its simple, you and Luke will act like a couple, we will organise and co-ordinate events for you to be at together. It won't take long for the media to get hold of the relationship." Lucy said

"You are unbelievable" Andi replied

"That's fine, you can dislike it as much as you want but you will do this. Now we are going to leave you to get to know each other." Remy said before he and Lucy stood up and walked out, leaving both of us in the room.

We sat in silence, I was still trying to process everything when Andi broke the silence.

"I'm sorry." Andi spoke quietly

"Why are you sorry? This isn't your fault." I replied

"What do you want to do?" She asked

"We don't have much choice, do we?" I replied

"I guess not. Fuck management sucks sometimes." She replied

"They certainly do. Seeing as we don't have many options, I say we go along with things." I said, giving in.

"Ok, we'll go along with it. We should exchange numbers just to shut them up." Andi replied

"Yeah, here" I said as we exchanged phones to exchange numbers.

"I don't mean to be rude but I need to get out of here and process everything." I said honestly.

"You're not being rude and yeah, I understand that, I need to process it too." Andi replied standing up.

We walked out of the office, and headed for the door.

"Where are you two going?" Remy's voice boomed from down the hall.

"We're leaving, don't worry we'll play along but right now, you are going to let us leave and think about things." Andi stated before continuing to walk out. I followed behind her and then we both walked to our cars. I got in and instructed the driver to take me home, before putting my head phones in trying to calm down.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now