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Chapter Eighteen

Luke's POV

Remy rang me earlier this morning and told me that we needed to have a meeting this afternoon at 3 to discuss something but wouldn't tell me what. I rang Andi who told me she'd got the same call from Lucy and how we were both having cars sent to pick us up which seems even stranger.

Remy's POV

"They are not going to like this Lucy." I told Lucy as we waited for Luke and Andi to arrive for our meeting.

"Well too bad. We still have the upper hand with the ultimatum at the end of this." Lucy replied, making me realise how she really doesn't care for Andi.

"We'll tell them and then they will be escorted to the cars to drive them home again." Lucy told me, like it was nothing.

"Remy, Lucy, they are here. Do you want me to send them in?" One of the receptionists asked us.

"Please." I replied as I nodded my head, beginning to feel bad for what we were about to do.

"Hi" Andi and Luke both said as they walked into the office hand in hand, only making me feel guiltier.

"Hi" I replied

"Take a seat" Lucy told them.

Both Luke and Andi sat down beside each other.

"We have you here today because we have something to tell you." Lucy told them, as they both looked at each other before looking back at us.

"You two are done, this is over. There's to be no contact at all between the both of you." Lucy told them harshly.

"What?" Andi and Luke both asked shocked

"You are not to see each other anymore. Simple." Lucy repeated

"No arguments, now security will escort each of you out to your cars to be taken home." Lucy told them as security entered the room.

I looked over to Luke and Andi, who both looked shocked and devastated.

"Show them out please." Lucy said to security whom walked over to both Luke and Andi, separating them as they escorted them out.

Andi's POV

I was bundled into the car by security who had separated Luke and I, I can't believe what just happened. Before I knew it I was being driven towards my house. I felt my eyes fill with tears and before I could even try to stop them from falling they did.

All I wanted was for this to be a bad dream where I could walk up in Luke's arms but it wasn't, its real and I think my heart is breaking.

I got my phone out and looked at my background which was a photo of Luke and I in black and white and we are hugging as Luke is kissing my forehead. I felt more tears fall as I looked at it.

I quickly opened my messages and texted Kelly.

To: Kelly

'Can you come over to mine? I need you. :('

I sent the message and then looked at the messages between Luke and I, only making me feel sadder as I wanted to text him but I didn't want to make things worse.

Luke's POV

I was forced into the car by security and quickly driven off. I was beyond pissed at Remy, how could he do this, I mean he knew how happy we were, and then they choose to break us up but I also felt incredibly sad.

I got home, walked inside, slamming the door before heading up the stairs to my room, slamming and locking my bedroom door. I got changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, shut my curtains and then crawled under my blankets wanting to be alone.

Andi's POV

I got home and got changed into an oversized sweatshirt and leggings and I took my make-up seeing as it was already ruined from all of my crying. I still had tears pouring down my face as I was trying to take it off. I grabbed a duvet and dragged it downstairs, sitting down on the couch before wrapping myself up in the duvet as tears continued to pour down my face.

"Andi" I heard Kelly shout as she entered my house and started walking towards the lounge.

"Andi, what's wrong?" She asked as she made her way towards me, realising that I was crying.

"It's done." I replied as my voice cracked as she reached me, hugging me tightly as she tried to sooth me.

"What's done?" She asked after a while of just hugging me.

"Luke and me. Lucy just told us we're not to see or talk to each other again." I replied before more tears fell.

"I'm sorry." Kelly said wiping the tears that were falling.

"You love him don't you?" Kelly asked

"Yeah and I know I shouldn't have fallen for him but I did." I replied as I calmed down.

"You can't help who you fall for Andi." Kelly told me as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"I am going to get the pizza menu, the ice-cream, wine and chocolate because we are going to eat, watch a movie and talk." Kelly replied as she walked into the kitchen grabbing everything out.

Luke's POV

"Luke, are you ok?" Jai asked through door as I hadn't moved since I got home which it had been a few hours ago.

"C'mon Luke, let us in." Beau said knocking on the door.

I wiped my eyes, before pulling the blankets off of me and getting out of bed. I made my way over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open slightly before walking back and sitting on the edge of my bed. Beau and Jai walked in, closing the door behind them and coming and sitting each side of me.

"What's going on?" Jai asked breaking the silence.

"Andi and I are done." I said, my voice cracking.

"What?" Beau asked shocked

"The meeting today was to tell Andi and I that we are done, and we aren't to see or talk to each other again." I explained looking down at the floor.

"What do you want really?" Jai asked cautiously.

"I miss her already." I said feeling tears began to well up in my eyes.

"You love her don't you?" Beau asked

"Yeah." I replied as the tears fall down my cheeks.

Jai and Beau hugged me tightly.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now