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Chapter Two

Luke's POV

I can't believe Remy is making me do this; I mean if it was just me I would walk away but its not just me, I have Beau, Jai, Daniel and James to consider. I never thought this would happen; why do I have to be in a relationship with someone I don't even know, but then I guess it's the same for Andi.

All I want to do right now is get home and be alone; and figure how to tell the boys that I have a new girlfriend who I know absolutely nothing about except the fact that she's a famous singer and is just as much against this as I am.

Andi's POV

"Hey Andi" Kelly said as I walked into my house after getting back from the meeting. Kelly is and has been my best friend since we were 13.

"Hi" I replied, taking off my heels and throwing them beside my bag on the floor.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"No but I have to be." I replied

"I've ordered take-away and I've got a few bottles of wine, so I'll get the glasses and you sit down and tell me what's going on." She replied, as she walked to the kitchen.

"Perfect, so why aren't you with that boy of yours?" I asked as she walked back in.

"You know I don't do serious, have to keep him on his toes and I wanted a girls night with you." She replied pouring the wine and handing me a glass.

"Thanks" I said taking the glass in hand.

"So tell me what's going on." She said sternly

"Its just been a fucked up day and I'm over Lucy and my crack management team." I stated sighing.

"Ok, explain" Kelly said

"Well I'm no longer single. I have to date this guy named Luke Brooks and if I don't then they threatened to have us blacklisted from every label and agency." I told Kelly who looked shocked.

"That's unbelievable" Kelly replied as I took a sip of my wine.

"He's in the same position of me at the end of the day, so we are just going to get used to it and one another." I said giving up on fighting it.

"It still sucks. Lets forget about it for the night and watch a movie, the food should be here very soon." Kelly said topping up our glasses.

"Thanks Kel" I replied

Luke's POV

I'd spent about two hours laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling trying to figure this all out in my head, a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I shouted. The door opened to reveal James.

"Hey James." I said sitting up

"Hey, are you alright?" James asked

" yeah. Actually I have something I need to tell you all." I replied quietly rubbing my face.

"Ok" James said uncertain as I stood up and began to walk downstairs with James following behind me.

We got downstairs and I began to feel sick, I realised that I couldn't tell them about the ultimatum, I mean it wasn't fair to burden them with the finer details.

"Boys, can I have a minute?" I said getting their attention.

"Are you alright Luke?" Beau asked looking at me, feeling the colour drain from my face.

"Uh...yeah, I just wanted to tell you what happened today." I replied

"You're freaking me out right now." Daniel said

"Ok, well today I had a meeting with Remy but also at the meeting was Andi Miller and her agent Lucy, anyway we have to date for a little while." I said really fast.

"Wait, what?" Ronnie asked

"We have to date for a little while to help our images." I replied fast.

"How do you feel about this?" James asked

"Its done." I replied as if I didn't care before walking upstairs to my room.

Jai's POV

"Its done" Luke replied as he walked upstairs.

"I'm confused." Daniel said

"Did Luke just say that he has to date Andi Miller because Remy said so?" Beau asked no one in particular.

"Why would Remy do that?" I asked

"Luke did say something about images." Ronnie said

"Look I'll talk to Remy tomorrow and find out whats going on."  Ronnie stated

"Ok, right now I'm going to check on Luke." I said, before standing up and walking upstairs.

I walked to Luke's room, knocking on the door and got no response. I opened the door and looked around, Luke was nowhere. I walked back out, shutting the door behind me and heading back towards the stairs. As I went to go down, I heard the shower running.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now