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Chapter Four


Luke's POV

It's been a week since Andi and I had lunch and announced our so called 'relationship'. Tonight we have to go to dinner together at Dan Tana's, Andi is coming over to the house to pick me up. I'm really not in the mood to go out tonight and pretend to be her boyfriend and I guess she is going to meet the boys before we go.

"Jai" I yelled as I looked for something to wear

"What?" Jai asked as he walked into my room

"I don't know what to wear." I replied

"Just wear a button up shirt and good jeans with your boots." Jai replied. I pulled out the shirts and jeans.

"So where are you going tonight?" Jai asked as I got changed.

"Dan Tana's. You'll meet Andi tonight, she should be here in about ten minutes." I replied finishing changing and sorting my hair.

"Oh cool. Are you ok with all this?" Jai asked cautiously

"Not really but it doesn't matter, although I'm really not in the mood to go out tonight." I explained

"Then why didn't you cancel?" Jai asked

"I don't need another lecture from Remy and I'm pretty sure Andi doesn't need one from Lucy either." I replied

"I'll leave you to finish getting ready." Jai said before walking out, leaving me to think.

Andi's POV

"I really don't want to do this Kelly and I really don't know about this dress." I said to Kelly over the phone as I drove to Luke's.

"You'll be fine and you look gorgeous. You're wearing the sky blue lace skater dress and white heels with your hair is down aren't you?" Kelly asked

"Yes I am but I still don't know about this." I replied

"Why though?" Kelly asked

"Its just awkward. What if I'm too dressed up or underdressed compared to him? This shouldn't even matter. Oh god... why am I doing this? I mean I don't date" I replied worrying

"Andi, don't make me use your full name. Now pull yourself together." Kelly told me firmly.

"Ok, I'm good. I better go, I'm just pulling up outside his house now." I replied as I parked.

"Alright, just breathe. Ring me later and tell me everything." Kelly replied before handing up.

I turned off my car, pulled the keys out of the ignition, put my phone in my clutch and got out of my car, shutting and locking the doors.

I rung Luke as I walked towards the gates.

"Hey" Luke said answering

"Hey I'm just walking towards the gate." I replied

"Alright, I'll buzz you in." Luke replied before hanging up just as I got to the side gate.

The gate unlocked. I opened it and walked through before closing it. I walked down the driveway, taking a few deep breaths before I got to the door. I knocked on the door softly and waited, I could hear loud voices and a figure coming towards the door.

"Hi" the boy said opening the door

"Hi" I replied slightly confused

"Come in. Luke's just finishing up. I'm Daniel by the way." Daniel replied moving to the side to let me walk in.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now