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Chapter Thirteen
Andi's POV
Tonight is my concert and the first time I'll be seeing Luke since the beach as he and the boys have been on a tour around Europe. The last two weeks have been crazy although Luke and I have managed to facetime four times. I'd just finished all the interviews I needed to do and the sound-check, I just have to do my meet and greet before the opening act goes on then its show-time.
"Andi, are you finished getting ready?" Lucy asked as I finished getting changed for the meet and greet. I walked out, slipping my heels on as I finished.
"Right lets keep this on time and start the meet and greet." Lucy told me.
"Kelly, can you keep an eye out for Luke and the boys? Bring them to the meet and greet please?" I said to Kelly as I finished getting ready.
"Of course I will, now go meet your fans." Kelly replied smiling her devious smile.
I started walking down the hall, flanked by security and Lucy as I headed to where everybody was waiting to meet and take a photo with me.
"Hi everyone." I said as I waved to everyone.
"First person." My security said.
"Hi sweethearts." I said to the two girls who were first in line, as I hugged them.
"Hi Andi, I'm Becky and this is Lee." Becky said.
"Well thank you for coming tonight." I said
"Lets take this photo." Lucy said, suggesting I needed to hurry up.
"Alright." I said as the two girls stood either side of me as we took the photo.
"Right this way girls." Security said escorting them out.
I was almost finished with the meet and greet when I saw Luke and the boys walk in with Kelly and security leading them in. I saw them and started smiling even wider.
"Give me a minute." I said to Lucy as I walked to wards Luke.
"Hi babe." Luke said as he hugged me and kissed my cheek causing the fans still waiting to 'aww' making both Luke and I smile.
"Hi babe." I replied as we hugged.
"Hi boys." I said to the rest of the boys who were behind Luke.
"Hi Andi." The boys all replied
"Andi, lets finish the meet and greet." Lucy said as I rolled my eyes.
"I'll meet you back in the green room shortly. Help yourself to anything." I said to Luke as he unwrapped his arms from around my waist.
"Alright babe. See you soon." Luke replied.
I went back to the meet and greet and finished before going to join the boys in the green room until I had to get ready to go on stage. Luke, the boys and Kelly went to their places up over the balcony.
Kelly's POV
I watched as Andi performed, she was about halfway through and the fans were going crazy. I watched as she signalled to her backstage crew for a bottle of water just as she ended a song; all of a sudden a bottle of water came flying across the stage and Andi managed to catch it in one hand.
I looked over at Luke who was leaning against the balcony watching Andi intently while smiling, I made my way over to him, wanting to talk to him as Andi started another song.

Luke's POV
I watched as Andi performed on stage, she truly was an incredible performer, dancing and singing, making the crowd scream. She looked so happy up there but I also knew that she was tired, I could tell back in the greenroom when we were sitting together talking with the boys.
"Hey Luke, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kelly asked interrupting my thoughts.
"Sure" I replied.
"I don't want you to freak out but I just wanted to tell you don't be intimidated by the wall that Andi puts up, behind it all, she is just vulnerable and scared. She has been hurt, almost everybody that she has been close to has left her, especially her family, and that's why the wall is up but it can be broken. Just know that you make her happy and the wall that she has spent a long time building will eventually crumble." Kelly told me genuinely.
"She makes me happy too and I won't hurt her." I replied meaning every word.
"Thanks Luke. I don't know how much she's told you about her past but I just wanted you to know." Kelly replied before she walked away.
"What was that about?" Jai asked as the boys came and stood next to me.
"Just talking." I replied as I continued to watch Andi.
"She's amazing. This place is going crazy." Daniel commented.
"Yeah she is." I agreed as I smiled.
"She's coming back with us tonight and staying with me." I told the boys.

Andi's POV
Tonight was incredible, the show and the fans were amazing. I got off stage and walked back into the greenroom. I walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower that was the one great thing about this venue. I got out of the shower, dried myself off and got dressed in a wine coloured skater dress with black heels. I quickly redid my make-up and hair before walking out.
"You were amazing tonight babe." Luke said hugging me as I walked out.
"Thank you." I replied smiling and kissing his cheek.
I put everything in my bag and zipped it up.
"The boys have headed back to the house with Jacob, but a car is waiting for us when we're ready." Luke said to me.
"Thanks babe." I replied.
"Andi, I'm heading off. You were amazing. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Kelly said before hugging me.
"Thanks Kel." I replied
"Bye Luke." Kelly said before walking off.
"Andi, we should get you out of here now before the paparazzi gets to crazy, there's already enough of them out there by the car now." My head of security told Luke and I.
"Alright." I replied, going to pick up my bag, but Luke bet me to it.
"I've got it babe." Luke said as he grabbed my hand, as we entwined our fingers.
"Stay together and we'll get you to the car." Security told us as we headed to the exit.

Luke's POV
Andi and I walked out surrounded by security and paparazzi as they started pushing and shoving us as they took photo after photo and yelled various things at us. I felt Andi squeeze my hand as we continued to walk to the car.
We finally made it to the car and got in. As soon as we were in, we started driving.
"Are you ok babe?" I asked Andi still holding her hand.
"Yeah, are you?" She asked
"Yeah." I replied
"That's the worst part of being well known." Andi said as she laid her head on my shoulder, the adrenalin starting to wear off. I kissed her forehead as she started playing my fingers.
We got home and got out of the car. We walked inside and said hello to all of the boys before heading upstairs to my room.
"Babe, do you want a t-shirt or a sweater to sleep in?" I asked as I put her bag down on the floor and pulled out a pair of pyjama pants for me.
"A t-shirt thanks hun." Andi replied as she slipped off her heels and pulled out her toiletry bag as I grabbed her one of my shirts.
"I'm just going to take my make up off and brush my teeth hun." Andi said
"Ok babe." I replied before Andi walked to the bathroom.
I changed into my pyjama pants and pulled back the covers before plugging my laptop in just as Andi walked back into the room, her hair now up in a messy bun.
"Babe, do you mind if I edit our newest video while we lay together?" I asked as I got into bed.
"Of course I don't mind hun." Andi replied as she picked up the t-shirt.
I watched as she slipped out of her dress, revealing her black lace lingerie before she slipped my t-shirt over which stopped mid-thigh. She slowly walked to the edge of the bed and slid in beside me. I pulled her closer to me so that her head was laying on my chest, in the crook of my arm with my arm draped over my waist and using my thumb to rub circles on her hip as her body was pressed against mine.
I pulled my laptop onto my lap and began editing as she laid there watching, trying not to fall asleep.
"Go to sleep babe." I whispered as I continued to edit and lightly rub my thumb over her hip.
"I'm alright, it looks amazing hun." She whispered trying to keep her eyes open.
"Thanks" I whispered in reply as I continued to edit, even though I was nearly finished.
I looked down to see she had fallen asleep, cuddled into me. I bent my neck down and kissed her on the forehead, before saving the video and putting my laptop on the ground, turning off the light and then I pulled the blankets up over Andi's shoulder and closed my eyes.
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Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now