Twenty Three

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Twenty Three

Andi's POV

"What are you doing awake this early?" I asked Luke as I woke up seeing him awake, just watching me.

"Just looking at my beautiful girl that I love." He replied

"I love you too." I replied.

"I don't want to go back to the real world." Luke stated

"I don't either, but we have too sometime." I replied as I reached over to my phone and Luke did the same.

I turned on my phone and looked at it seeing I had over 100 missed calls from Beau, Jai, Kelly, James and Ronnie.

"Babe, why would the boys be ringing me? I have over 100 missed calls from them and Kelly." I said looking over at Luke who turned pale.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I said sitting up.

"I didn't tell the boys I was coming here and my phone has been off since except when I uploaded a picture to Instagram yesterday morning." Luke explained.

"It will be fine, lets get up and ready then we will stop by the grocers and go to yours. We'll make brunch for all the boys and it will be fine. All they care about is that you are safe." I suggested.

"That sounds like a plan." Luke replied

"Alright, lets get ready then." I replied as I got out of bed, walking into the ensuite and turning the shower on before stepping into it.

"You know, showering like this, saves time." Luke said huskily as he faced me, the water pouring over the both of us.

Luke's POV

We finished getting ready and left Andi's heading to the grocery store on our way to the house.

"So what are we going to make for breakfast?" I asked Andi as we got to the grocery store.

"I'm thinking we should make a couple of different things. Let's make pancakes with fruit salad on the side as well as an all day breakfast - bacon, eggs, hash-browns, toast, mushrooms, tomatoes, and sausages with juice and coffee to drink." Andi replied

"That sounds amazing. I could really go for pancakes with strawberries and maple syrup about now." I replied as I got a cart.

"Well I will make you some, lets get everything first." Andi replied smiling as she started putting everything we needed in the cart for breakfast.

Andi's POV

We arrived at the boys house, and I started cooking as Luke helped me get everything ready.

"Go wake up the boys babe, I'll get this served up while you do." I said to Luke.

"Alright babe, be back in a minute." Luke said walking off to wake everyone up.

I started serving up everything, laying it out on the bench for the boys to serve themselves.

"Get up" I heard Luke yell at one of the boys, making me shake my head.

"They'll be down in a minute." Luke said as he walked back into the kitchen and kissed me.

"No PDA please, its too early." Beau said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Beau." I said

"Morning Andi, this looks amazing." Beau replied as he looked at all the food.

"Morning." James, Jai and Daniel all said as they walked in.

"Morning." Luke, Beau and I all replied.

"Hi" Ronnie and Jacob said as they walked in.

"Grab a plate and some food before it gets cold." I stated as the boys all began to serve themselves, before sitting down to eat.

Beau's POV

Breakfast was amazing and Luke was back and happy with Andi.

"What are you doing?" I asked Andi as she'd started cleaning up the dishes, as Luke had disappeared upstairs.

"I'm cleaning up, what does it look like?" Andi asked cheekily

"We'll clean up, you cooked Andi." Jai interrupted

"It's fine." Andi replied

"No, we're cleaning up. Go find lover boy." I replied watching her smile grow as Luke was mentioned.

"Alright, alright." Andi replied as she walked upstairs.

"Luke's happy." Ronnie stated as we started cleaning up.

"They both are." Daniel replied as he started to wash the dishes.

"Are we going to talk to Luke about the ultimatum?" James asked quietly

"No, lets just leave it. They are together because they want to be, not because they have to be." I said.

Luke's POV

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" Andi said as she leant against the doorframe of my bedroom, as I was laying on my bed with my laptop, finishing a surprise for Andi.

"Come here, I want to show you something I've been working on." I replied, Andi walked over and laid next to me.

"So remember that day, I was in the studio with you while you were recording that song that you loved but weren't allowed to release - you called it Human." I said

"Of course I remember." Andi replied

"Well I recorded you recording it and I made a video for it, because it's an amazing song." I replied

"Really, well play it." Andi said excitedly.

"It's not perfect yet though." I said before I pressed play.

I watched Andi's face as she watched the video which I edited in black and white.

"It's amazing. I love it." Andi said as it ended.

"Really?" I asked

"I want to put Human out as my next single for my new well old unreleased album. What would you think to that being the official music video?" Andi replied

"It would be amazing. You know I think this album is going to be amazing." I replied smiling.

"Babe, I think I should get going, I know you and the boys need to catch up but we can do something later if you want." Andi said as I pouted.

"But I don't want you too." I replied pouting more, making Andi kiss me.

"I know babe." Andi said

"Well at least promise me, you'll stay tonight." I asked as we stood up.

"I promise, now walk me downstairs. I'm going to catch up with Kelly." Andi replied before we started walking downstairs.

"Alright babe, I'll see you later." I said as we reached Andi's car, before we kissed.

"Bye babe." Andi replied as she got in.

I walked back inside and into the kitchen where the boys were just finishing cleaning up.

"Hey boys, I just want to say sorry for not letting you know where I disappeared off too." I said

"Yeah, thanks for that." Beau replied chuckling

"I didn't even think, all that was going through my head was that I needed to be with her." I replied truthfully.

"Its ok Luke, we need to catch you up on our meeting yesterday but we can do that later." James replied.

"Well Andi's coming back later and staying tonight just to let you know." I replied smiling.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now