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Chapter Fourteen


Beau's POV

Luke and Andi have been spending a lot of time together in the last two weeks and they are really happy. I was sitting with Jai, James, Daniel and Ronnie in the kitchen waiting for Jacob to come back as he had gone out to pick up the groceries and coffee, seeing as our kitchen was rather empty; Luke and Andi were still upstairs asleep.

"We've got a problem." Jacob said as he stormed into the kitchen, with a tray of coffees and a magazine which he threw down onto the bench in front of us.

I looked at the cover, it had a photo of Luke with a girl, who wasn't Andi, and he was kissing her. The headline read 'Andi left heartbroken after Luke cheats'.

"Remy and Lucy are on their way over here now and they are not happy." Jacob told us.

"This has to be false, Luke wouldn't do that." James said

"That's an old photo." Daniel said

"How can you tell?" Jacob asked.

"He's only got a few tattoos on his arm." Daniel replied as we looked closer.

"Well either way we need to wake them up and tell them, before Remy and Lucy came in here and yell at them." Ronnie said

"I think you should do that." I said to Ronnie, knowing I defiantly didn't want to have to tell them.

"Alright." Ronnie replied as he grabbed the magazine and headed upstairs.

Ronnie's POV

I grabbed the magazine and headed upstairs to Luke's room. I knocked on the door before opening it. I walked in and saw Luke and Andi cuddled up asleep together. I really didn't want to wake them but I have too.

"Luke, Andi." I said earning a groan from Luke.

"Wake up." I said loudly, startling Andi slightly as Luke just groaned and pulled Andi closer.

"What's wrong?" Andi whined.

"You two need to wake up, Remy and Lucy are on their way and their not happy." I told Andi who was suddenly wide awake.

"Luke, wake up." Andi said as she pulled out of Luke's arms and sat up in bed. Luke started to wake up.

"What?" Luke asked rolling over onto his back.

"You two need to see this." I said passing the magazine to Luke.

"What the hell?" Luke said sitting up as he looked at the photo.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now