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Chapter Six


Luke's POV

"Hey boys, I invited Andi to the party tonight." I told the boys as people were beginning to arrive.

"Really?" James asked

"Yeah. I thought it would be good, no pressure to act anyway and it's a relaxed setting. And you can get to know her a bit." I answered hoping the boys would take the hint that I wanted them to get to know her.

The boys wandered off in different directions leaving me to drink and talk to a few people.

I was in the middle of a conversation, not really listening when I saw Andi walk in, she was wearing a black dress and heels. I excused myself and walked over to her, her back was to me.

"Hey." I said, hugging her quickly.

"Hi, thanks for inviting me." Andi said as we let go of each other.

"Let me get you a drink." I said as we walked to the kitchen.

"Thanks." She replied

"What do you want?" I asked

"Waters good, thanks Luke." Andi replied, as I got her a water.

"I'm guessing you are driving." I said smiling, as I handed her the water.

"Yip" she replied.

"There's a lot of people here." Andi stated biting her lip again.

"We've had a couple of these shut down by the cops." I said chuckling

"Hey bro, awesome party." Someone said to me, as Jai made his way over to us.

"Hi Andi." Jai said as he reached us.

"Hi Jai, how are you?" Andi replied to Jai.

"Good thanks, you?" Jai replied

"I'll be back in a minute" I said interrupting the conversation, leaving them to talk.

Jai's POV

"I'll be back in a minute." Luke said leaving Andi and I to talk.

"I'm alright." Andi replied answering my question.

"Are you and Luke alright after the other night?" I asked, knowing that Luke's temper makes him say things he often regrets.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now