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Chapter Seventeen

Andi's POV

"Right, so where do we start?" Luke asked as I we were about to start cooking dinner.

"We need to halve the baby potatoes and cube the sweet potato and combine it in a bowl with the garlic cloves and oil." I replied as I grabbed the oven trays, putting them on the bench before pre-heating the oven.

"Alright." Luke said grabbing the chopping boards and two knives and putting them down as I grabbed all of the ingredients.

Luke and I chopped all the potatoes up and I combined them in the bowl with the garlic and the oil, before laying them flat on the oven trays and seasoning them with salt and pepper before sliding them in the oven.

"How long does that need to be cooked for?" Luke asked

"20 minutes and while we wait, we can cut up the peppers and quarter the onions before starting on the chicken." I replied as I started quartering the onions.

"Luke, Mum's on Face-time, she wants to talk to you." Beau said to Luke.

"Ahh." Luke replied

"Go babe, I've got this." I said

"But I was meant to help you." Luke replied

"Babe, if my Mum wanted to Face-time with me, I would take it." I told Luke

"I'll give Andi a hand Luke." James said suddenly.

"Ok, thanks." Luke replied as he followed Beau.

"Right, so what do you want me to do?" James asked, as I pulled the trays out of the oven, adding the peppers and onions to the potatoes.

"Well the chicken breasts need to be grilled, so could you start on that, as the vegetables still have another twenty or so minutes please?" I asked James.

"Sure." James said as turned the grill on, as I got the chicken out and prepared it.

"The chicken is ready when you are." I said to James who started putting it on the grill.

"So what exactly are we having tonight and how did you get roped into cooking for all of us?" James asked

"We are having grilled chicken with a roast vegetable salad and I offered." I replied smiling.

"Sounds good, it defiantly smells good." James replied as I added the pine-nuts to the vegetables.

"I just hope you all like it." I replied as I started on the dressing which consisted of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, wholegrain mustard and fresh oregano.

"We're boys as long as its food, we're happy." James said

"How's the chicken looking?" I asked

"Probably another ten minutes." James replied.

"Ok, that's perfect." I replied getting the vegetables out of the oven to cool slightly.

"Now, this might be a silly question but do you have a really big bowl and we need a platter style plate to put all the chicken on to serve? And where would they be?" I asked James.

"They are up there." James said pointing to the highest cupboard.

I walked over to the cupboard and stood on my tip-toes trying to reach them before I heard James laughing.

"Here." James said reaching over me and grabbing the bowl and plate, putting it down on the bench and going back to the chicken.

"Thanks, that is why I wear heels a lot." I said laughing as I pulled out the rocket, going back to making the dressing.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now