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*thump thump* *thump thump*

I rolled over in my bed and checked the clock. 2:12 AM. "Who in the hell..?" I asked myself before rolling back under my covers waiting to ignore it.

*thump thump* *thump thump*

The knocking was continuous, and if I didn't get it, my dogs would eventually wake up and start barking, which means they'd be up paranoid for the next couple hours.

I threw on my robe and house slippers before heading downstairs. I didn't even notice it was raining heavily, whoever is at this door better be worth it.

*thump thump* *thump thump*

"I'm coming!" I yelled before turning the porch light on and opening the door. The sight in front of me had me shook and my heart dropped into feet.

This little girl was standing there wrapped in a towel, soaking wet. I stuttered my words not really knowing what I wanted to ask. She was just standing there, shivering. I looked around to see if it was some kind of prank but it was dark as hell and nothing but the rain in my view.

I pulled her inside, out of the rain, and closed the door. She looked no older than three years old, so my heart felt so broken seeing her look so helpless and thinking why someone would do this. "Do you speak English, sweetie?"

She nodded and I was glad that she understood. That could get a lot done, believe it or not. "Did your mommy or daddy leave you here?" I asked, but she didn't respond. At that point, there wasn't a lot that could be done. I went upstairs and got her a fresh towel and some of my niece's clothes to change her out the wet clothes.

She might have been two, considering she had pull ups on. I changed her and noticed a few bruises in the process. I carried her to the couch and thought how to proceed with this situation. "Sweetheart, do you have a name?" I asked. She looked so tired and worn out. I didn't know what to do.

"Well, you can sleep in the guest room and I'll be right in the next room, so if you need me, my name is Toni," I told her as I carried her upstairs. I laid her down and plugged in the night light my niece left. "Good night," I said before turning around noticing she was already asleep.

I walked into my room and looked outside the window to see if anyone would come back. For about an hour, nobody came so I gave up on that, and called my sister, Tamar.

"Tone? What's wrong?" She asked concerned as to why I called at nearly four in the morning.

"Tay, some little girl just showed up at my house, by herself and its raining cats and dogs outside. I don't know what to do, she hasn't said a word yet, well she's sleeping now but before she didn't say anything and I don't know Tay, this just feels off. What do I do? She's not eve–"

"Toni! Calm down, okay? She might have just ran away or something. Just take her to Child Protection Services tomorrow," Tamar advised after understanding how overwhelmed I was by the situation.

"Tay, you don't get it. Someone left her here. The knocks on the door were grown adult knocks, she still wears pampers. There's no way she came here alone," I told her. I heard her huff over the phone before speaking.

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow and we'll think of something. Until then, try to get to know her and get her to talk. Okay? We'll figure it out," she said. I could tell she was tired, especially since I just woke her up, but I'm glad she helped me calm down a bit.

"Okay. Thanks, Tay. I love you. Good night," I said before hanging up. I sat on my bed just thinking about what to do with this little girl. I eventually heard scratches at my door, and I knew my dogs were up and probably scared of the thunder outside. I opened my door and they ran straight into my bathroom and jumped in the tub.

"Its okay, boys. It's just a little storm. No need for the drama," I said petting my two pitbulls, Marty and Sammy. Just after, I heard screams from the guest room, that scared me and the dogs. They started barking, but I had to make sure the girl was okay.

I went inside the room and saw her having a bad dream evidently. She was squirming around the bed and panting. I pulled her into me, "Sweetheart, it's okay. It's okay." I lightly shook her to get her to wake up.

Her eyes shot opened and she looked at me, crying. It broke my heart. "It's okay," I said again as I rocked her to sleep. In a matter of minutes, she dozed off. I carried her back to my room and laid her in my bed, just in case she woke back up.

I left my door open so my dogs could go back and forth as they wanted and eventually dozed off next to the little girl.

New Story! Okay, I have no clue where this is going but I wanted to start writing something new hoping to kick writer's block in the ass and I think it's going good so far.

Stay tuned for updates and I hope you guys enjoy it😘

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