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We'd been at the cabin for almost a week living off a few days clothes and food. We were all basically starving and in need of a good shower and soak at a beautiful Ritz Carlton, but I'd never felt safer.

Since we'd been there, Arion hadn't had any weird dreams or said a thing about the bad men. Nor had we heard much about them on the news, so it was pretty safe to say they left to go wherever they came from.

"Momma, can we go home?" Arion groaned as she woke up. I looked down at her and kissed her beautiful face, which is always swollen when she woke up making her cheeks extra fluffy.

"Maybe, I'm waiting until Ken Doll thinks it's super duper safe for us," I told her. She got on top of me and laid her head on my chest and faced Kenny, who was beside us.

There was only one bed in the cabin and I refused to let Kenny sleep on the couch, so we all shared the bed. It was big enough.

Arion started poking at Kenny trying to wake him up. "Babe, stop. Let him sleep, remember you kept him up all night watchi–"

"Swan Lake!" she wooed. I covered her mouth and laughed. I picked her up and took her into the kitchen.

I turned on Swan Lake for her to watch as I made a fruit bowl. All we had left was fruits in the cabin, so we'd been eating fruit bowls and salads since yesterday morning. "Here, Ari," I said putting her fruit on the table. She ran over and sat down before stuffing her mouth with strawberries.

I checked her skin for any of those itchy bumps, there were a few but they don't bother her and the anti-itch baths ended up being something she loved. I went back into the kitchen and made a fruit bowl for Kenny and myself.

As I cut up some more strawberries, I felt hands wrap around my waist and a kiss planted on my neck. "Good morning, Toni." I heard Kenny say in his sexy morning voice. I turned around and pecked his lips. "Good morning to you, too." I handed him his fruit and we sat around the table with Arion.

We were definitely not dating. It was just... being in a cabin locked up together, we'd gotten friendlier.

"Good morning, stinky butt," Kenny said to Arion making her upset. "Ken Doll, my bumbum not stinky. Momma!" she whined. Stinky butt, a name she earned because she farts in her sleep.

"Kenny," I said holding back my laughs. He snickered again before apologizing to Ari. "Ken Doll, I want to go home." Kenny put on a thinking face and legitimately though about it. "Sure, I'll book us a flight home for later on today."

I looked up from my food surprised by his answer. I asked all week, and all it took was Arion to ask and get a yes. "What about the rest of my promotion tour? I still have a week left," I reminded him. "I'll fly you back out in two days and for the places you missed, I'll sponsor VIP tickets for the actual tour. Sounds good?" I tried not to smile so hard but my smile spanned from ear to ear.

Arion ran off after dropping her bowl in the sink to go finish Swan Lake, leaving me and Kenny at the table. He patted on his lap for me to take a sit, as I gladly did. He ran his hand up my thigh feeling me up. "Can't wait for the day I get you let me take you out and show you off," he whispered in my ear. I felt him make a trail of kisses down to my neck.

"Soon, I promise," I moaned as I felt him suck on my neck. Between the hickies and him massaging my body.

I chuckled when I felt him get hot. "Easy there, player," I said before getting up to wash the dishes.

"It's not my fault you look the way you do," he said walking over to me. "Anyway, though, get packed so we can go." He kissed my head and went back into the room. Finally, I would get the hell out this house.

As soon as we stepped foot into the house, I started hugging everything. My plants, my stairwell, my couches, everything.

Arion dropped her little bag and ran upstairs to her room.

I went into the kitchen and opened a bag of Doritos and started stuffing my mouth. "Thank God for Doritos," I said while chewing.

Kenny walked in and laughed at me. "Damn, you acting like we didn't eat burgers on the plane. With a side of fries." We did, but it was something about eating in your own house after a long ass time that feels refreshing.

"I got a surprise for you," he said as I continued to eat out of the bag.

"Hey!" I heard as all my sisters and mother came running in causing me to drop the bag and run towards them.

"I missed you guys! Oh my god!" I said hugging each of them. "Ari, MomMom and your aunts are here!"

It was so great to see my family. As much as they could be annoying, they're definitely my favorite people on the planet.

Stay tuned for more updates♥️

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