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"They said since you are taking everything for a joke, they want the album two days earlier, they are pushing back the release date, and they are extending your promotion tour," Kenny said over the phone.

I groaned into the phone. You don't get paid much on promotion tours, not nearly as much as you get paid for the album itself. Pushing back the album was pushing back my biggest paycheck.

Plus, "two days earlier" was two days away. I have two days to write, record, and clean almost four songs.

"Kenny, I'm so sorry. There was some family issues, but I promise I'll be in later or tomorrow," I said just as a doctor came my way. "Ken, I'll call you back."

"Well, Arion is much, much stronger than other patients with dehydration. Usually we have them stay 3-4 days but Arion will do just fine saying until tomorrow evening. She will continue with the medicine and same schedule until a scheduled doctor's appointment."

I nodded to everything she said. I sent Kenny a text telling him I'll be in tomorrow evening, leaving me a little over a day to finish the album, but I couldn't leave Ari. Not by herself, not even with my family.

She was not 100% comfortable around them and frankly neither was I after this scare.

I went back into the room and told my family everything. "Aw, well, I'll make some dinner and bring it back. We'll see you later," my mother said before leaving. Each of my sister hugged me and Arion then left behind Mommy.

"Bye Mommy! Bye girls!" I waved to them as they left the room. I laid down on the couch and watched some TV as Ari was trying to color what she thought was a bunny.

"Toni, what's Mommy?" she asked me. I glanced over at her and was kind of surprised at the question. I motioned her to come sit by me. She sat on my legs and waited on my answer.

"A mommy is somebody that cares for a child. They try their best for the child and loves them very much," I answered.

She pondered on my answer then asked a following question. "Are you my mommy?"

I thought about how I wanted this to go, and crazily enough, I did not mind her calling me mom. It's only been a few weeks but the bond was there and I love and adore her. "I guess so, pumpkin."

She smiled and went back to coloring.

The next day, we were all packed and ready to go, but the doctors were taking ages to give me the release papers. "Toni, can we go home?" Arion asked.

"Yeah, babe. We're just waiting on the doctors, the slow doctors," I frustratedly said.

Twenty minutes went by before the doctor came back with the papers. "Thank you," I said hiding how annoyed by her I was.

"Thank you, slow doctor," Arion said after me to the doctor. I snickered at how blunt she was. After signing the forms, we dashed out the room.

"I have a surprise for you," I said on the car ride home. I could see her little smile in the mirror and I already knew she was going to flip when we got home.

We pulled up in the driveway and I saw Mommy's car and Tamar's parked in driveway. "Arion, come on, we're home," I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt, when I turned around, she was asleep.

I poked at her until she woke up. As she started squirming in her carseat, I unbuckled her belts. "Alright, out, baby. Miss E and my sisters are waiting."

We moved the family dinner to my house tonight, well, its an early dinner because around 5pm, Arion and I are going to the studio with Kenny.

I walked in behind Ari and all my family was there to greet us. They all smothered Ari in kisses as I locked up the door behind us.

"Baby, go bring your bag upstairs so we can go eat." I handed her bag to her and watched as she ran up the stairs. I waited and waited, and just as I expected...

"Toni! Toni! The ladies! Princess!" she screamed running out her room and jumping by the banister.

"Toni! Toni! The ladies! Princess!" she screamed running out her room and jumping by the banister

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"I know. You like them?" I asked as I walked up the stairs to meet her. She wrapped herself around my legs and thanked me. "No problem, baby. We have to go soon though so let's go eat with Miss E," I said.

Dinner was fun and everyone was enjoying each other's company but Kenny and I have to finish this album tonight basically, so I had to go.

Mommy wanted to stay over the night so I just left everybody there and took Arion with me.

"Toni, where are we going?" She cried from the backseat. I basically dragged her out the house. I didn't want to but I also didn't feel comfortable leaving her with them.

"I have to finish the album tonight, Arion. I will can not handle anything but a nice girl out of you tonight. Do you hear me?" I sternly stated. The last thing I need is for her to act up.

"I said, do you hear me?"

"Yes!" She shouted.

Normally, I would put my foot down, but I absolutely did not want to mess up this album and that included dealing with all the tantrums.

We reached the studio and got out the car. I had to drag her out the car, too, as she continued her fit.

Her theatrics resembled Tamar's when she was younger. I picked Arion up and put her on my hip and went inside. Janet was at the front desk and looked alarmed seeing Arion crying.

"Is that her?" Jan asked me.

I nodded my head as I kept trying to hush Ari. Janet walked up to me and took Arion out my hands, which multipled the tears and screams. "Janet, I don't think that is a good idea," I said reaching for Arion.

"Look. You and Ken are the only ones coming in tonight. Work in the studio with the see through glass to playroom. The toys will calm her down. Trust me," Janet said.

It would help me get everything done quickly and I wouldn't have to worry as much with Arion touching things she shouldn't and distracting me.

"Fine. Meet me up there in a few, let me and Kenny get settled," I said before dashing into the elevator. I have less than a day to finish this album and I can already tell it was not going to be easy.

Stay tuned for more😘

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