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I woke up later on, in the hospital bed. I thought the kids' beds in hospital would be more comfortable, but they are not.

I stretched pretty recklessly forgetting I was sharing this bed, but Arion wasn't there. I sat up and looked around the room to no avail.

"Arion!" I called out hoping she was hiding, not that there was much space to hide. I got out the bed and out into the hallway.

"Hi Toni," she said walking towards with me with a cup of water and my mother. I picked her up letting out a sigh, "Where did you guys go?" I asked.

"Miss E get me water, I am thirsty," she said before drinking out the cup. We walked back into the room and I sat her on the bed. "Your sisters went to get everybody lunch," Mommy said.

"Wumbaaaahhhhh," Ari lowly said dragging out the end. I giggled and kissed her head. "Wumba is going to love you, princess."

"Toni, at home I want princess on my wall." Her head thinks a gazillion things a minute, first Towanda now these princesses again. "Uhm, sure, the blue kind and the pink kind, right?" I asked before she nodded in response.

An hour later, my sisters returned. "Hey y'all!" Tamar said walking in the room. Ari screamed and ran to her. "Hi my little bunny," Tay said as they hugged.

"Bunny?" Ari questioned as Tay and the girls set the food out.

"A bunny is a cute and adorable thing," Tay answered. "You should ask Toni to get you one." I heard her whisper before putting Arion down.

"Toni! Toni! Toni!" Ari repeated while tapping on my leg. I eventually gave her my attention because she didn't look like she was going to stop. "I want a bunny like me," she begged.

"You want a bunny and princesses? What else do you want?" I laughed. She didn't get the humor in it, by her straight, confused face. "If you can learn what a bunny really is by tomorrow, then you can get one."

She stuck out her pinky. "Smart girl," I said before locking pinkies with her.

"Anyway, Arion this is Trina, Traci an-"

"TOWUMBAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Arion cut me off and ran to Towanda.

"Aw, she's too cute, but my name is Towa-"

"She knows, Wanda, she just prefers Wumba," I told Towanda. Arion went to Traci and Trina and greeted them with simple hi's.

We sat and ate the food as the girls obsessed over Arion. She was telling them all the stuff she knows and just running her mouth like usual, but she had them weakly laughing.

"Toni burp out her butt in bed. It smell like poopy," she said in the midst of a ramble causing all the girls to burst out in tears. "Okay, enough, Ari," I sternly said kinda killing the vibe in the room.

"So, baby, how's it going with Kenny and the album?" my mother asked. I've been ignoring Kenny's calls all day and I should be in the studio right now finishing this album, but Arion is way more important.

Another reason I'm trying to stay away from this topic is because I am leaving soon to go my promotion tour and as of right now, Arion will still be with me, as I want her to be, but she's a distraction. Either I'm leaving her home with my mother to watch her or I'd have to take her with me.

I'd have to explain to the world, not that I owe them an explanation, but I don't need bad press before this album drops. I'd also have to talk to the label and my managers and make extra space for her if she comes on the tour bus. It's just a lot of last minute adjustment.

"Kenny's fine and the album, too," I blatantly said.

"Album?" Arion asked. My sisters looked at me and without words, I knew exactly what was running across their minds.

They are wondering how I haven't told Arion about my career. "An album is a long list of music that people sing and let other people listen to," I answered.

"You make album?" she asked. I nodded my head and finished eating my fries. "Can I listen? Please." She had the puppy lip and doggy eyes, so I obviously gave in.

I played her a few songs off my self-titled album. "You sound like angel." She smiled. I kissed her head and thanked her.

I then thanked my sisters for bringing lunch and for coming. "I'm gonna go talk to the doctor and ask when we can go home," I said before excusing myself.

I stepped out in the hallway and decided to called Kenny. "Hey Ken." I said lowly hearing him sigh when he answered.

"T, this album is big and you're slacking. The label called.."

Stayyyy tuned!

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