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Before I could attack the doctor, Kenny picked me up and held me close to him. His grip was beating my anger and urge to pounce so I decided to calm down.

"What the hell do you mean psychokinetic abilities?"

He hesitated which made me twitch a little. He looked down at Arion and looked back at me.

"Her birth mother was tested on at a government hospital not to far from here. When Ariah w–"

"Her name is Arion!" I snapped. I didn't care what was on the birth certificate at that point. Kenny looked down at me and mouthed "Calm down." I exhaled dramatically and apologized to the doctor. "Continue."

"When Arion was born, she and her mother were separated because the doctors realized Arion was... different. She had and still has all the symptoms of psychokinesis and telepathy. That's why the so called dreams she has some times seem like warning. Like..." He waited for me to tag in on this foolishness.

It was slightly making sense but at the same time, not one bit of it explained anything.

"When we were at the hotel. She said something about the bad men being at the door. Everything was really weird. When we opened the door, everything stopped and felt normal, except the manilla envelope that had a lot of photos of her."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You see, that wasn't a dream. It was a vision she had of them coming and because she didn't get all the training at the hospital to manage her mind and when certain things come to her, they just pop up. She cannot control it and they know that. That is why they want her back, she's a weapon to them and they haven't finished building her."

"If they didn't fucking finish, why did they let her go? Why was she at my door at 2 AM in morning?" I was getting fidgety and wanted to punch something. This was not what everyday people deal with. Why me!

"She left!" he shouted.

He was frustrated and I was frustrated and it felt like the conversation was going in circles at this point. "One of the psychokinetic ability she has is when she gets angry, things happen like weird stuff moving,"

The clock.

"and the ground shaking."

The supposed earthquakes.

"Anything. In the case of her escaping, she was frustrated and the wall of her room blew up. She just left," he said.

I looked down at Arion who was still out of it. "Why my door?" I looked back at the doctor.

"Somethings are miracles," he sighed.

I believe him. Everyday people don't deal with this kind of stuff. They deal with average life issues, but I wasn't not an everyday person and Arion was not average.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. I looked up at Kenny and nodded for him to let me go. I wasn't going to do anything crazy, but I needed help and wanted to help.

"We need to keep her asleep. The second she wakes up and knows where she is... it's over," he said quite harshly, not that there was a way to sugarcoat it.

"If she does? Wake up?" Kenny asked.

"She's somehow still connected to the hospital, they have these weird guardians that are.." he paused, "It's hard to explain but basically at this point, anything she sees, they see. They could be here in the flash of a second."

"Why didn't they see us in the woods? Or the house?" Kenny asked.

"My guess, she had no clue were she was at any point with you. Either that or she was refusing to communicate with them, which could explain the random outburst. They aren't random anymore, though. She won't be able control what she shows them."

Kenny and I looked at each other and agreed without words. "Keep her on anything you need for her to stay asleep," I said.

"How's it going, Tamar?" I said into the phone.

After the doctors told us what was happening with Arion a few hours ago, and we sent my sisters back to be with Tamar and Mommy.

"The lady came and we said that you wanted to take Ari to the mall to get her some clothes before she left. She bought it, but she'll be back in about 40 minutes." Tamar was freaking out and I could tell. Her usual happy, hyper tone was jittery. "What's going on, Toni?"

"We're gonna be here longer than 40 minutes. It's crazy and too much to tell over than phone, Tay. I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"All of it. This is all a big ass mess because of me. I should've put her into the system. It would've been another family's issue. Now we're all stressed out because she's abnormal."

"Toni. Never in a million years did I think we'd be dealing with whatever we are dealing with, but I love your daughter. She is your daughter, by the way. Nothing is going to change that. Whether you like it or not, she's family and we fight for family."

I groaned realizing how stupid I was being and how right she was. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Just frustrated with everything."

"Listen, Mommy and I will stay here, wait for the girls, and stall as much as possible, just make sure you know what you're doing. I love you, bye."

"Bye, Monster. Love you."

I sat back and looked at Kenny. "I love you," I whispered. He was half awake but he heard me. He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

I snuggled into his chest and watched Arion, still hooked up to the machines, until I fell asleep.

This book was suppose to end with the next chapter but I'm thinking about extending it..
Stay tuned

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