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After nearly a day worth of hard work, we finished and finalized the album. "Thanks for watching her, Jan," I said taking Arion from her. Janet was exhausted and waved me off as she left the studio to go home.

"Uh, Tone, I want to apologize for earlier and just say you're really amazing for taking in Arion," Kenny said from behind me. I turned around and he was basically right on me. "Its fine, just don't tell the label yet. I'll tell them," I said. He nodded and left the studio as well.

I looked down at Arion who was fast asleep. I kissed her head and turned the studio lights off and left.

Later on, I woke up to one of my dogs scratching at the door. After I got home, I called my mother and sisters back over to watch and bond with Arion as I slept.

As I rolled out of bed, I could hear my family's laughter as they watched a movie in the theater. I walked downstairs and saw dinner under a cover for me with a note on top.

 I walked downstairs and saw dinner under a cover for me with a note on top

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I awed to myself and took the note and pinned it to the fridge. "She's so cute," I said as I warmed up my food in the microwave. After two minutes, I sat at the table and enjoyed the peacefulness then began to eat.

"FLYING BABY!" I heard Towanda yell as she held Arion like a superhero over her head.

She flew her around the kitchen and landed her on her feet in front of me. "Hi, Toni," she said all out of breath from laughing. "Hi crazy girl, did you have fun with my sisters and Miss E?"

She happily nodded. "Sisters are aunts and Miss E is MomMom," she said after.

I looked at Towanda and she turned her head before walking away. MomMom is what all the grandkids call my mom. "Okay," I simply said.

She climbed up on my chair and told me all about the movie she watched. "Well, thanks for sharing, pumpkin. Go ask Wumba to get you ready for bed." I said feeling tired again.

"No, I not sleepy," she firmly stated.

I gave the look and she gave me the look back. "Please, not tonight, Arion. I'm tired and have no energy. Listen to me and get to bed," I begged.

I usually would not put up with the toddler attitude but I'm pooped. She already had one up on me.

"I'M. NOT. SLEEPY," she shouted while stomping her feet. My head fell into my hands and all I could think of was why. Why does she choose to be so irritating at the worst times.

I lifted my head and saw her still standing there. I stood up and towered over her. "Bed. Now," I said calmly.

She ignored me.

"NOW, ARION!" I yelled getting frustrated.

"NO!" She yelled back.

I looked up and saw my sisters and my mom standing there, and then it hit me. Arion was only acting up because we had guests.

I picked up Arion which led to kicking and screaming and crying. I brought her upstairs and sat her on her bed, God knows she's not sleeping with me tonight. I undressed her and got her towel before taking her to the bathroom.

She was still fussing but it was her bedtime.

"I sorry, Toni. I sorry," she whined endlessly while I bathed her. I ignored her whining that had absolutely no genuinity.

I washed the soap off her body and the shampoo out her hair. "Please, Toni. I sorry," she cried more. I wrapped her hair up and a towel around her body. "Your room, now," I demanded before she whined while going.

She tried to make a cut to my room but I quickly turned her. "Stop playing, Arion," I said as we entered her room.

"If you think you're impressing them downstairs by throwing a fit, you're not. Acting up doesn't make you cute, it makes you look like you don't know how to behave, and you do."

After she was lotioned up and dressed for bed, I tucked her in her bed. I plugged in her nightlight and headed out the door. "Toni," she said calmly but heavily after all the crying. She patted on her bed and stuck out her bottom lip as a plead.

I gave in and sat on her bed and waited for why she called me back in after the tantrum.

"I really sorry. I love you," she whispered with the blanket covering half her mouth. "Why do you act up? I love the sweet girl you are and so does everybody else. I don't like when you scream and act wild," I told her.

"I sorry," she repeated.

I kissed her cheek and wished her a good night. I wish I could stay pissed off but she's too cute to stay mad forever. "I love you, pumpkin. Better day tomorrow, yes?" She nodded and smiled. I kissed her cheek again before getting up.

"I love you, Mommy," I heard her mumble on my way out.

How many of y'all played the "I love you Mommy" card after you got in trouble? 😂
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