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We both stood up quickly and stared at Arion who was confused on where she was. "Ken, go get the doctor, now," I whispered.

"I thought you just said they aren't here to help."

"Go. Get. The. Doctor," I gritted through my teeth.

He slowly backed out the door leaving me with Arion. "Where are we, Momma?" she asked.

I shrugged and smiled. "I don't know, baby. How are you feeling?" I asked while walking up to her. I sat beside her and felt her forehead. She seemed too calm for someone who could end lives at any second.

"I'm okay. Are you okay? You're head is wet."

Just before I answered, Kenny and the doctor barged into the room. They stopped when Arion and I turned at looked at them.


I turned back to her and saw her nose starting to bleed. "Baby. Don't."

"I'm sorry."

She tilted her head and just as she did, the doctor flew out the window. Kenny and I ran to the window and watched him drop ten floors down to his own death.

We turned back to Arion, who was burning with fury.

"Why?! Why you take me here?" she yelled. I felt Kenny grab onto my waist and try to pull me behind me, but I stopped him.

If anyone could stop this, I was sure it'd be me.

I slowly walked towards her, "Ari, we didn't know until just a few minutes ago. Had we known, you know we wouldn't have came."

She stared me down before sitting on her bed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head before returning to normal. "They are coming, Momma. They are coming and they are not happy."

I sat next to her and rubbed her back, "Who, baby?"

"Papa. Papa is coming home," she said with a tear. Before she spoke again, I stabbed her with a needle causing her to pass out.

I caught her in my hands and looked at Kenny. "We need to go," he said.

"I can't. I can't leave all these little girls in here to get tortu–" I was cut off by the roaring of what sounded like a goblin. Kenny looked out the window before turning back, looking scared out of his mind. "Tone, now."

I laid Arion down and looked out the window with him. There was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen eating the remains of the doctor Ari just flew out the window.

 There was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen eating the remains of the doctor Ari just flew out the window

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I stepped back and ran out the door. I had to find Octavia. I couldn't defeat that thing without the help of these girls.

"Octavia! Octavia!" I ran around yelling.

I felt someone pull my arm and screamed. "Shh!" Octavia said shushing me as she covered my mouth. "If Papa hears you, he'll send the BS's and they'll kill you."


"The thing you called the ugliest thing you've ever seen," she said.

I rolled my eyes, "Stay out of my head, little girl." I sternly said, "what are they?"

"BS is short for Bestia Spaventosa, italian for scary beast. They feed on humans, specifically the ones that upset Papa. Listen, though, there was a total of six girls here. Ariah was the last one they were training. Two died from level 10 last week. Three level 12's the week before that. Now it's just me, Poet, Arion, and three level 8's. I can get them to rebel against Papa, but it's going to take awhile."

"Okay, two questions. Are there any boys here?"

She shook her head no, "Papa. He doesn't like boys." By her tone of voice, I knew what she was alluding to.

I held her hand and lifted her chin. "Everything's going to be okay, honey. What do I need to do to help you?"

She told me the game plan and it was worth a shot. If not, those monsters and these girls can kill thousands, maybe millions because of their "Papa."

We ran back to Arion's room and my heart sunk at what I saw. "Arion!" I yelled. She was mentally choking Kenny and I could see his life leaving his eyes.

"Octavia, do something!" I yelled.

She closed her eyes and within seconds, Arion's grip was weakened. She darted her eyes towards Octavia before realizing who it was and soften.

"Tavia," she smiled.

Octavia walked up to her and they hugged. "Hey Ariah. We missed you." I slowly moved towards Kenny to make sure he was okay.

"Where's Po? And Clarke?" I hadn't met a Clarke yet, but Arion seemed to like them and she was calm so I didn't care who I hadn't met, if they keep her from freaking out, they were good in my book.

"Ariah, I–"

"Arion. That's my name. My mommy named me it," Ari said looking at me. I was scared and shaking, but at least I knew my daughter was in there somewhere. I smiled and blew her a kiss making her smile back.

"Sorry. Arion, we need to fight Papa. He is a bad man and I need you so Poet and the rest will believe me, too. Can you do that?"

Ari took her eyes off me before getting up and pacing the room. She's so little but deep inside, there was a grown woman in there. I snickered a little seeing her honestly stressed out by the decision.

"Fine, I love my momma. That's why," she said.

I smiled again hearing her reason. I left Ken and walked towards her. "I am so proud of you, okay? I know my little angel is in there somewhere. You are the reason I am living right now, don't forget that."

Her and Octavia walked out to go find the rest of the girls and I was left with Kenny, who was better than how I found him awhile ago.

"Come on, Ken. We have work to do."


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