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"Come on, Toni. We have three more songs to clean and three hours to do it." Kenny sighed.

We were taken by surprise by the work that had to be done. We expected four songs, the label wanted seven so that "there were options." We had finished the four we originally planned on. We had recorded everything but cleaning is what takes so much time.

It was nearly sunrise and there was nothing more I wanted than my bed.

"Toniiii," Kenny whined.

I'm telling you, this man starts to aggravate my soul.

"Kenny, love, I hear you but we've been recording for the past twelve hours straight. I think I deserve to take a break," I said.

I got up and left the studio room and went next door to the playroom. The playroom allows for whoever is in there to see in, but I couldn't see what was going on in there, so I had to check in.

I opened the door and saw Arion by the glass window and Janet halfway sleep on the couch. "Good morning, princess," I said kneeling by Ari.

She sat on my knee and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Toni. I wait for you," she lowly said. I could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"Okay, babe. I still have to finish some songs though. Can you sleep by Janet til I come back?" I asked knowing the answer before she even spoke by the tears forming in her eyes. "No, I want you," she said breathing heavily while holding back her tears.

I placed her head back on my shoulder and calmed her down before she started bawling.

"Toni, just take her with you for until she is S-L-E-E-P-I-N-G and B-R-I-N-G her back." Janet mumbled.

She spelled out the words because Arion knew what sleeping meant and we both knew she could figure out sentences. "J, Kenny doesn't even know she's here. He'll kill me."

"F-U-C-K him," she said making me chuckle, "This is your kid, go take care of her and I'll wait until she's out and you can put her down." I blew Janet a kiss before leaving with Arion.

Jan is a true friend and she was right, I have to stop caring about what everyone was going to say about Arion and care about Arion's wellbeing.

I walked back in to the studio and sat on the couch with Arion craddled in my lap. Kenny was facing the mixing board trying to fix up some little things on the songs. "Okay T, let's fin-" he stopped himself as he turned around and saw me with Arion.

"Toni, where'd you get the kid?" he blurted out.

"'The kid' is my daughter actually. She was here the whole time but she was next door with Janet in the playroom. Now, she is tired because I've been in here for twelve hours instead of being with her to put her to sleep. So, please, shut up and let me put her to sleep," I demanded.

He looked as if he had a gazillion questions but instead backed off and started cleaning the next song without me.

As I laid back on the couch with a half-knocked out Arion on my chest, I noticed Kenny, who was looking up at me every couple minutes.

I knew he had something on his mind. I would scorn him if he disturbed Arion, and I think he knew that so he kept quiet. No less than twenty minutes later, Arion had been completely knocked out.

I took her back to Janet and returned to Kenny to finish my album. He seemed almost annoyed with me as we finished the one song, which took a total of  forty-five minutes. Kenny was not normally one to hide his feelings especially from me.

I was in the booth redoing a verse we both agreed needed another take. When it was cleaned, I called him inside. He dragged himself in there and stood before me.

"What is wrong?" I asked him, although I had a feeling. "You had a baby? When? Who? Why is this the first I'm seeing her? She is old, Toni, and I'm just finding out about her? Whose is she?" he blurted out in clear anger and confusion.

"Woah, woah," I said with a chuckle. I stood up and walked closer to him.

I placed my hands behind his neck and told him to calm down, there was basically steam coming from his ears. "First off, I didn't have a baby, Arion, which is her name, showed up at my house alone and nobody has claimed her yet so I'm fostering her. I call her my daughter because it's been a little over a month since I've had her so we've formed a connection."

He still looked upset and that was when it clicked; he's jealous. "Nobody got me pregnant Kenny. Calm down," I said to clarify that part he was most likely most interested in. I ran my hands down his chest and felt over his heart. "You were heated over that?" I asked honestly surprised.

He looked down at me and nodded his head. "I.. I like you, Toni. I was just mad because I thought you had someone else already. But, Tone, I really do like you," he admitted. He pulled me into a passionate kiss and I could feel the sparks in my body.

This was exactly what I needed; companionship. Even with my family, Janet, the studio guys, and all my business friends, I didn't have that someone that I could vent to and trust. Kenny could've been that.

As the kiss got more heated, I could feel a different emotion take over my body. Guilt. If I were to get into ANY relationship, I'd be cutting out my time with Arion.

She'd think she wasn't as important or something. Surely, I was overthinking again, but it'd be so selfish of me to do to my daughter.

I pushed Kenny away and started to tear up. "I can't. Not now. Not with Arion," I said. I sat back on the stool and put my headphones on and fixed my mic. Again, he wanted to say something, but he didn't. "Come on, let's clean that track," I said quietly.

Toni and Kenny??
Stay tuned for the next chapter ❤️❤️

Okay, I have put majority of my published books on hold because I really cannot connect with them, but no worries, I am writing a few other ones that are 😍😍 They are more meaningful and deep. I will steal an idea one of the writers I adore and admire, xoxoshoshanaxoxo used and have you guys choose which book you want to read instead throwing stuff out there. As far as this book, I will continue to update chapters ❤️ That is all, just letting you guys know what's going on😛

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