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10 years later...

I rolled over and looked at my beautiful husband. I was too blessed. "Are you going to say good morning or just stare at me?" Kenny asked. I giggled and kissed his lips.

"Goodmorning, doofus."

"Goodmorning, ugly," he said back. Before I could get another word out, I heard crying from the hallway. "Not it," Ken said quickly.

I threw my pillow at him before getting out of bed in full naked glory. "Damn." I heard Kenny gawk. I put my rob on and flipped him the bird.

"What time?" he flirted. I chuckled before walking out to the hallway. The girls had most likely been up and making a fuss. Most days they were fighting over toys.

I opened Arion's room and saw her and her sister pulling on the same doll. They looked up at me and ran to me. "Good morning, Momma," they said hugging onto my leg.

After that crazy day ten years back, things managed to become normal. Arion still had nightmares every now and then, but she is coping well. She also keeps her psychokinesis and telepathy to a minimum. Her sister, thankfully, did not know of the whole situation so everything was to always be kept under wraps.

Kenny and I got married seven years ago and had two beautiful children; one girl, Paisley Octavia Edmonds, and one boy, Christian Clarke Edmonds. Paisley was six and Christian was only one, and trust me, we were done.

"Good morning, babies. Why are you fighting?" I asked. They played slow and shrugged. "We not fighting, Mommy," Paisley answered.

I rolled my eyes playfully and sent them downstairs to get the table set for breakfast. I went into Christian's room and when he saw me, he got all happy and giggly. "Hi Momma's big boy," I cooed. I picked him up and gave him kisses all over. He was the cutest thing on the planet. "You ready for some breakfast, baby?"

I went back to my room and gave Christian to Kenny. "Chrissy the 'Copter! Hey buddy." Christian and Kenny had such an adorable bond. After two girls, Kenny really put in a lot of time for Christian. I was just glad he got his boy like he wanted.

"Baby, can you start breakfast? I'll be down in a few."

"Can I get some dessert after breakfast?"

"Kenny," I chuckled. He stood up and kissed me. "I will start breakfast, free of charge," he said before leaving with Christian.

I smiled and headed in the bathroom. I quickly did my morning routine and met the rest of them downstairs. The table was set and breakfast was almost finished. "Who's gonna pray?" I asked.

"Me! Me!" Paisley yelled. I nodded and helped Kenny fill the plates of food. "Alright, gang, let's pray and eat."

"Thank you, God, for our food and please let my family enjoy. And let us all have a good day. And can you tell my sisters to shar—"

I cleared my throat hinting for her to get back on track and wrap it up.

"Calm Mom's nerves. Amen."

"Amen," we all ended.

"Smart Alec," I mumbled.

We all ate breakfast while listening to the girls go on and go about school and sports. "Speaking of sports, Ari, you have gymnastics soon. Paisley, you have cheer so let's hop to it," Kenny said.

They both put their plates in the sink before going up to their rooms to shower and get ready. I picked up Christian out of his high chair so he could eat. I covered him using his blanket as he got his milk.

"I'll take them, I assume?" Kenny asked while washing the dishes. I walked over to him and puckered my lips. He kissed them and nodded, "You're welcome, brat."

"Mom!" I heard one of them call. I slowly walked up the stairs making sure not to distract Christian. "Who called?"

"Me!" Arion shouted from her room. I walked in and took a seat on her bed. "Yes, princess?"

"Last night, I had a nightmare," she said sitting next to me.

"You want me to call the doctor?" She has a special doctor to talk about her nightmares with. He is apart of the government and keeps the conversations between them secret. If he tells, he dies.

"No, but I think we should be worried."


She opened her mouth to speak, but the doorbell rang. "I'll be right back, sweetheart." I slowly walked down the stairs to get the door, but Kenny beat me to it.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?" Kenny asked. He didn't have the door all the way open so I couldn't see who it was.

They were conversating as Arion came out her room, "Mom, this is serious," She said. I shushed her quickly as Kenny widely opened the door.

"This man says we have something of his. Did one of you take something?" he asked Arion. I looked from him to her, and she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "Arion, your father asked a question."

"I think I know why she's not answering," the man at the door said, "that's not her name."

"Excuse me?" Kenny and I both said. I still had Christian feeding but if had he not been, I would've leaped down these stairs and use voice words for how rude sounded.

"Her name is Ariah... Level 4, right?" He sinisterly smirked.

Kenny and I exchanged looks before I looked at Arion. "Honey..."

"I told you. I told you this was serious and we should be worried," she said with a tear falling.

"Someone fill me in because I'm lost. Who is this man?" Kenny asked us, as if the man wasn't still there.

"Level 4. Tell them who I am," the man ordered.

The silence was eerie. "Mom, what's going on?" Paisley asked.

"Arion. Talk to us, baby," I begged.

"That's Papa."

Thank you all for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed it. This was my first fiction and I LOVED writing it for you guys. I love you❤️ Read my other books: White Knight & Reunited! New books in the making so be on the lookout!

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