Chapter 12

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As Ashlynn and Edmund journeyed back to the Narnia camp, Ashlynn felt a sense of dread rise up in her stomach

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As Ashlynn and Edmund journeyed back to the Narnia camp, Ashlynn felt a sense of dread rise up in her stomach. Would the Pevensie's be mad at her? Or would they welcome her back with open arms? Her anxiety quickly diminished when she saw the proud sight of Narnia tents rise in front of her. While the Witch's camp was cold and deadly, Aslan's camp had a layer of hope and comfort rising from it. The warm spring air ticked Ashlynn's skin, causing her to strip off her wool sweater and leave her arms bare. Edmund mimicked her action, sending a smirk her way as he did. 

The centaur slowed his gallop and halted in front of the largest tent. Ashlynn and Edmund jumped off his back, Ashlynn thanking him for rescuing them. The centaur gave her a curt nod before walking into the tent before them. Ashlynn and Edmund stood awkwardly outside, ignoring the many stares that were directed toward them. After many, long minutes, the centaur emerged from the tent . He looked at the children in front before turning his head back to the entrance. 

A large paw appeared from the flap, followed by the muscular body of a lion. Ashlynn gaped at the majestic beast in front of her, automatically knowing that she was standing before the infamous Aslan. She fell to her knees, bowing her head in respect. Edmund glanced at her, following her lead. Aslan chuckled at the young girl, impressed by her manners. 

         "Rise young ones, and welcome. There is much to be discussed," Aslan spoke in a powerful, yet gentle voice. 

Ashlynn followed his order, slowly rising to her feet. She kept her eyes directed downward though, unsure of the customs of the land. Aslan turned his head towards a path that lead up one of the small mountains surrounding the camp. Edmund and Ashlynn followed the lion, waiting for him to strike up the conversation. They walked in uncomfortable silence the whole way up. When they finally reached the top, Aslan turned to face the two teens, letting out a loud sigh. 

        "I will not ask you to recount your time with the Witch. But know that my people may not welcome you immediately. You are considered a traitor," Aslan finally spoke, staring at Edmund. 

Edmund bowed his head in shame, guilty for his actions. Aslan could detect this and gently placed a paw on his shoulder. 

         "Do not let what happened define you Edmund. One choice does not make a man." 

Ashlynn gave Edmund a reassuring smile, reaching down to grab his hand to give it a light squeeze. Edmund smiled thankfully. Ashlynn turned back to Aslan, waiting for him to tell them what they should do. Aslan motioned to the crowd below the rock. Ashlynn could pick out Lucy's beaming face and grinned. 

       "Go. They have been waiting to see you," Aslan said and Ashlynn began to walk back down the trail. 

        "Ashlynn," Aslan interrupted her. "I would like to speak with you alone." 

Edmund gave her a look, silently asking if she would be okay. Ashlynn lightly pushed him down the trail, telling him to go be with his family. He nodded, starting down the trail. 

       "Why did you go with him?" Aslan asked her once Edmund had disappeared. 

        "I couldn't let him be alone," Ashlynn answered truthfully. 

         "I've heard stories from my scouts that you tried protecting many of creatures from the Witch's wrath, even at your own expense." 

Ashlynn nodded her head. 

         "You have a large heart Ashlynn," Aslan continued. "But be careful, that may be your downfall." 

Ashlynn bit her bottom lip, unnerved by Aslan's words. Aslan told her to go down to the rest of the group, which she did so immediately. 

Ashlynn was tackled into a hug before she even made it to the tent. She wrapped her arms around Lucy, a sense of nostalgia washing over her as she thought back to their first reunion. Lucy soon let go of Ashlynn, only for Susan to take her place. 

        "We were so worried," Susan whispered. 

Ashlynn tightened her grip on the older girl, reassuring her that she was here. When Susan released her, Ashlynn turned to face Peter, who had a solemn look on his face. He inspected the bruise on her face, frowning when he saw it. 

        "How are you feeling?" He asked. 

         "Better now that I'm with you guys," Ashlynn responded. 

Peter slowly approached her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, every emotion being expressed in his grip. 

         "I'm okay," Ashlynn whispered into his arm. 

          "I know." 

Peter let her go and ushered her into the girls tent, insisting that she get a bit of sleep before coming out for breakfast. Ashlynn collapsed onto the soft bed, exhaustion finally catching up to her. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light, letting dreamland carry her away. 

Word Count: 823

[Not Edited]

A/N: What do you guys think Ashlynn's title should be? 

I have a few ideas, but I want to hear from you guys. Also thank you all so much for reading my story. Over 100 reads is absolutely amazing! I never expected to have this many people read my story. I appreciate every single one of you who took time to read Ashlynn's story. 

Stay Awkward! 

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