Chapter 13

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Ashlynn awoke to the sound of Lucy rummaging through her stuff

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Ashlynn awoke to the sound of Lucy rummaging through her stuff. She let out a large yawn, streatching her arms high. Lucy sent her a small smile when she saw her. Ashlynn crawled out of bed and approached the small girl, silently asking her what she was doing.

"Pick a dress. Breakfast will be ready soon," Lucy told her, motioning to the chest before her.

Ashlynn nodded and Lucy left her alone to change. When Ashlynn saw all the dresses that were hidden inside the chest, she gasped in amazement. They looked straight out of a fairytale. Ashlynn carefully picked through each one, running her fingers over the soft silk. Ashlynn finally decided on a simple navy dress, the sleeves reaching just past her elbows. A thin golden cord wrapped around her waist, accenting her curves. Ashlynn left her golden hair in it's natural curls, too lazy to do anything with it. When she exited the tent, she was greeted by the fresh order of fried eggs and toast. The Pevensie's sat around a low table, comforted by soft pillows. Ashlynn took a seat next to Lucy, saying a polite good morning to the rest of the group. Ashlynn piled eggs into her plate, adding a few pieces of toast here and there. It wasn't until Ashlynn had taken her first bite that she realized just how hungry she was. She stuffed her face, ignoring the funny looks she was receiving.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Ed, Ash," Lucy mused.

Ashlynn playfully stuck her tongue out at the girl, sending her into a fit of giggles.

"Then make sure to pack some for the journey back," Peter spoke up from his Pearce against some rocks.

Ashlynn and Lucy's giggles ceased at Peter's statement.

"We're going home?" Susan asked.

"You four are," Peter informed. "I promised myself I'd keep you guys safe, but that doesn't mean I can't stay behind to help."

"But they need us," Lucy spoke. "All five of us."

"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned. Edmund and Ash were almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund chimed in. "I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. We can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

Ashlynn gave Edmund a proud smile, happy to see his change of heart.

"Well I guess that's it then," Susan said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked.

Susan walked over to her bow and quiver, picking it up. "To get in some practice."

Ashlynn and Lucy quickly followed her lead, walking to the archery range. Ashlynn didn't have a weapon she could use, so she asked Orieus if there were any available. He guided her over to a small tent towards the back of the camp that was filled with unclaimed weapons. Ashlynn scanned over each blade, overwhelmed by the number of choices. She knew she wouldn't be able to handle a sword; her arms were too weak for that. She'd never tried firing a bow before, and she figured her aim wouldn't be the best. Suddenly, a glimmer of light caught Ashlynn's eye. Nestled under many shields, a small hilt peaked through. It was polished black, with accents of silver winding around the handle in intricate designs. A carved lion's head sat atop, balancing the weight of the blade. Ashlynn pulled the dagger out of it's sheath, admiring it. The blade travelled the length of her forearm, easy to use. Ashlynn turned back to Orieus, who nodded his head at her choice. He escorted her back to the archery range, Ashlynn's dagger strapped to her side.

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