Chapter 14

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A large celebration was thrown that night

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A large celebration was thrown that night. Ashlynn sat next to Edmund and Lucy and stared at the massive bonfire that was situated in the middle of camp. Cheerful music was coming from a small group of fauns, making Ashlynn think of Mr. Tumnus. She felt a rush of sadness as she thought about her first Narnian friend. 

Peter and Susan were nowhere to be seen. They had probably snuck off early on, either hiding in their tents or socializing with the crowd. Ashlynn assumed it was the latter. Lucy suddenly jumped to her feet and pulled Ashlynn with her. Lucy began hopping in circles, mimicking the rest of the dancing Narnians. Ashlynn laughed before joining in, dancing her heart out. After everything that happened to her, Ashlynn needed a break. 

Ashlynn and Lucy danced until their feet hurt. They danced with nearly all the Narnians, making polite conversation with each one. After the final song, Ashlynn slumped down next to Edmund, laying her head on his shoulder in exhaustion. He chuckled at her, gently wrapping his arm around her. Most of the Narnians had dispersed and gone back to their own tents, leaving Ashlynn and Edmund alone except for a few stragglers. The fire was dying down, only a few warm embers remaining. Ashlynn glanced up at the night sky above, drinking in it's appearance. 

          "It's beautiful," she murmured, her eyes wide.

Edmund hummed in agreement, but he wasn't talking about the sky. He stared at Ashlynn's face, glowing in the fire's light. He would be a fool not to admit that the girl next to him wasn't pretty. He had thought that the first time he saw her all those years ago. But looking at her all these years later, Edmund thought she was gorgeous. He immediately smacked himself for hating her all the years she was gone. 

        "Ash?" Edmund asked. 

Ashlynn hummed tiredly. 

          "Are we," Edmund swallowed. "Are we okay? Like our friendship?" 

Ashlynn glanced up at the dark haired boy. 

          "We're more than okay," she whispered before leaning her head back onto Edmund's. 

Edmund smiled wider than her had before. He pulled the girl closer to him, placing a feather-light kiss on her temple. The two teenagers drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. 


Ashlynn woke at the first crack of dawn. She yawned tiredly, stretching her back out. She looked around at her surroundings, confused as to why she was outside. The previous night's events replayed in her mind. She glanced down at the sleeping boy and shook him lightly. 

        "Ed," she whispered. 

He groaned in response, lightly swaying her hand away. 

        "Edmund!" She shouted loudly in his ear. 

Edmund jerked up right, startled by the sudden increase of volume. Ashlynn smirked at him, happy that he was finally awake. Edmund scowled at Ashlynn, slapping her arm. 

        "Good Morning to you too," Ashlynn said in a sarcastic voice. "I've got to go change. We stayed out here all night." 

Ashlynn motioned at her grass stained dress and birds nest hair. Edmund nodded and watched her leave, before walking over to his tent. 

When Ashlynn entered her tent, she was surprised to see both Lucy and Susan's beds empty. She shrugged it off, assuming they got up early to practice at the archery range before it was busy. Ashlynn ruffled through her chest, looking for something sutible to wear. She settled on a light gray t-length gown, fluid enough to give her freedom of motion. She tied her hair back in a simple plait and grabbed her dagger to strap around her belt. She exited her tent, nearly running into Peter as she did. She looked at his hard set face and automatically knew something was up. 

        "What's wrong?" She asked. 

         "Aslan's gone. The Witch killed him," Peter explained solemnly. 

Ashlynn bit back tears. She couldn't believe her ears. Aslan couldn't be dead. They needed him to win the war. 

        "The Witch is on her way here with her army. We need to prepare for battle," Peter continued. 

Ashlynn nodded mutely. She pushed past Peter and headed toward the armory to get ready. Peter grabbed her arm, halting her. 

          "Where are you going?" He questioned. 

          "To get ready," Ashlynn said in a matter-of-fact. 

         "No you're not." 

Ashlynn shoved his arm off of her. "Yes I am Peter. I deserve to fight for this land just as much as you do. Edmund and I have witnessed first hand what the Witch can do and I'm not going to stand aside and watch her do it to more innocent people. I'm fighting whether you're with me or not." 

Ashlynn stormed off, prepared for what was ahead. She entered the armory, walking over to the crowd of female centaurs who were also getting ready for battle. She asked them for her own armor, which they gladly gave her. It was a simple chestplate, tight around her bodice with layers of chain mail hidden underneath the leather. She was also given a pair of leather gauntlets to protect her exposed skin. Ashlynn thanked the centaurs and went outside to meet up with Edmund. 

When Edmund saw Ashlynn dressed in her battle armor he stormed over to her, pulling her aside.

       "No," He said firmly. 

       "Ed, I've already gone through this with Peter. I'm fighting regardless of what you say." 

Edmund looked down at the ground shaking his head. "I want you to stay by my side the whole time. I don't know what I, or any of the others would do if something happened to you." 

Ashlynn smiled at his concern, lifting his chin up to look at her. 

       "Nothing's going to happen," She said and pulled him into a tight hug. 


It was just before midday when the Narnian army assembled on the rocks where the battle would take place. Peter had sent a griffin ahead to scout The Witch's army. Ashlynn could make out the outline of the ranks rolling over the hill ahead. 

The griffin flew down and landed next to Peter. 

        "Here they come Your Highness. In numbers and weapons far greater than our own," The griffin report, a nervous twang evident in his voice. 

       "Numbers do not win a battle," Orieus spoke. 

       "No, but I bet they help," Peter replied. 

Peter gave the signal for the rest of the griffins to fly out. They carried large boulders to drop onto the oncoming army, hoping to break their tight ranks. It appeared to work, until The Witch's archers began to pick off the griffins, causing a small group to return back. 

       "Are you with me?" Peter asked Orieus. 

       "To the death," Orieus reassured. 

Peter drew his sword out, holding it high. Ashlynn pulled her dagger out of her sheath, prepared for the bloodbath that was about to ensue. Edmund stood right next to her, calling for the archers to be prepared. 

       "For Narnia! And for Aslan!" Peter cried, releasing his sword down. 

Ashlynn ran forward, charging into battle. 

Word Count: 1164

[Not Edited]

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