Person: I have so many friends! I can't wait to go to the mall with all of them!
They're only your friends because they need someone to mooch off of.
Person: I can't wait to go to the mall with my friends this weekend!
How much are you paying them to be your friends?
I'm (name) and I think I'm above everyone else because I have fake friends. HHHHUUUUUUUUHHHHHH
My name is (name) and I have to pay my friends to hang out with me on the weekends. HHUUUUUUHHHHH
I'm (name) and I'm friends with plastics. HHHHUUUUUUHHHHH
I'm (name) and I get surprised when my two-faced friends backstab me. HHHHHHHUUUUHHHH
My name is (name) and I rather have 1000 fake friends than have 10 real ones. HUUUUUUUHHHHHH
Person: My friends love me!
At least my friends will cross oceans for me when yours won't cross puddles.