Chapter 8

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Elsa, Anna and Kristoff met back at the northern mountain near the castle, but Elsa noticed that Hans wasn’t there. “ Hey has anyone seen Hans” Elsa asked  “Nope” Anna and Kristoff answered. AHHH! they heard a scream coming from the west side and the birds started to fly away from the west because of the loud scream “what was that” Elsa asked worriedly “I have no idea” Anna answered then the scream became louder and louder towards them the sound was louder which meant that it was near them then out of nowhere Hans came out from the west side screaming. He was being chased by a reindeer and Hans was covered with carrots. Then  he bumps into a tree and the reindeer went to Hans and ate the carrots scattered around him. “Sven” Kristoff asked the reindeer and it looked at him. “Sven, hey buddy” Kristoff yelled and scratched Sven’s head. “OUCH” Hans groaned rubbing his head that hit the tree. “You found Sven” Kristoff exclaimed, “that thing is your pet” Hans asked sitting up and removing the carrots from him. “Yeah, where did you find him” Kristoff asked  “Duh…I went scavenging and I found a garden of carrots so I picked them up and headed back until he ate some of the carrots and chased me.” Hans answered , “Sven must really like carrots” Elsa chuckled “yep that’s what we always ate” Kristoff answered. “I guess Sven can stay and thanks to Hans his got a week supply of carrots” Elsa exclaimed.”Um…guys are we heading or what” Anna reminded them. So Kristoff and Anna headed back and Elsa helped Hans “I’m so regretting this” Elsa told herself, “you know you didn’t have to” Hans said and he place all of the carrots Sven hadn’t touched in a bag including the carrots Elsa picked. Then Elsa followed them so did Hans who was groaning and rubbing his head. When they arrived Hans went directly to his room.” Hey are going to eat or not” Kristoff asked. “I’ll pass” Hans said still groaning and shut the door behind him. ”well…he said no now let’s eat” Anna answered. So Elsa made three ice plates and handed it to them and they ate after they ate, Elsa made another ice plate and placed an apple , five strawberries , a bunch of grapes. “ what are you gonna do with that” Anna asked with her moth slightly full. “He can’t go through a day without eating” Elsa answered and grabbed a carrot and tossed it to Sven who caught it and ate it. She chuckled and went to Hans’s room, she slightly knocked but no one answered so she went in herself. Hans was at the balcony. “Hey” Elsa yelled, then Hans faced her, with a plate of fruits. “you didn’t had to but thank you” Hans thanked “you’re welcome” Elsa made a little small  and handed him the plate he couldn’t help but smiled back and she noticed he had a bruise on his head. “ your head…it has a bruise” Elsa said “um… yeah it’s okay it’s just a bruise” Hans answered “no it’s not okay “ Elsa replied then she swirled her hand to make an ice cloth and ice. “Here” Elsa said placing the ice on his head, “ahh…that feels good” Hans made a cute relieved face and held the ice, “um…I should be going now” Elsa said “ Wait” Hans stopped her and she looked back “thank you for um… the ice I’ve never  really had someone to treat me when I get hurt “ Hans answered  “um…your welcome” Elsa replied and slightly turned pink and went out. She went to her room thinking about Hans she couldn’t think of anything else “Has he really changed or his doing his gifted manipulating skills again” she thought, she stayed there until dusk, ate some of the grapes for dinner “it’s getting dark” Elsa gasped she knew they can’t make a fire in here ,the castle will melt, and she snapped with an idea, she went out of her room and went down and at the center of the castle where the giant snowflake was like the one from her room she stumped her foot and used her powers to make the ice glow ,from the snowflake beneath her to the dazzling ice chandelier and to the rooms above .Anna and Kristoff was at their room chatting “so you and Sven met at the woods” Anna asked “yep I was eating a carrot then he spotted me and we shared the carrot” Kristoff answered and Anna chuckled, Then she noticed the sun was setting “It’s getting dark, too bad we can’t make a fire for light…” Anna paused and stared at the wall and the door which was starting to glow, Kristoff’s jaw dropped, “Elsa” Anna gasped. Hans was at the balcony leaning his arms on the ice handles gazing at the sun setting, he sighed “Another dark and cold night” He moaned, then he felt something under his arms “huh”  he gasped to see the handles starting to glow its glow stretched to his room. After she made the ice glow in the castle, Anna came out of the room. “Elsa…Whoa” Ann stumbled on her words when she saw the ice was glowing “How did you made it glow” Anna asked “well…” Elsa paused “Hey whats with the…whoa, NOW THAT’S ICE!” Kristoff exclaimed “Thank you” Elsa chuckled. They weren’t conscious that Hans was peeking from the door; he remembered the ice that Elsa gave him. He searched for it and saw it glowing but instead of blue it was reddish “what the…” Hans said then he picked his sharp button ,he started carving the ice forming it into a heart shape he exhaled on it and rubbed it to make it shiny then he picked a black leash from his pocket and attached it with the ice heart pendant, “Now that’s what I call a FROZEN HEART” he giggled and his smile begin to fade “wait I’m a frozen heart…why was I so stupid” Hans said slapping his head and accidentally slapped his bruise “OUCH “he groaned. Knock, knock “Hans it’s me Elsa can I come in” Elsa asked, Hans snapped and threw the ice necklace he made in the bed, there was no response from Hans so Elsa just went in “Hi, Elsa how you doing” Hans said leaning on the post with a guilty voice. “what’s wrong” Elsa asked raising an eye brow “ahem nothing “ Hans answered still with a guilty voice, then Elsa spots a reddish object on the bed, Hans saw her and immediately blocked her “Hey, what was that” Elsa yelled “um…nothing it’s been a hard day and I wish to sleep so you can do what you want for the night” Hans lied pushing and leading Elsa out of the room “Hans let go of me” Elsa commanded, he let her go and shut the door. “what is wrong with that man” Elsa mumbled while fixing her dress and went to her room, Hans leaned his ear on the door to hear if she was still there and heard her going to her room and shut the door, “ phew that was closed” Hans sighed in relief leaning on the door. Then he place the necklace on the table near the bed. He started to remove his vest and boots and slightly opened his shirt to let air in his um…upper part and went to bed to sleep. Elsa was so curious at what that she saw on Hans’s bed “was he bleeding….wait that can’t be blood besides why would blood sparkle” she thought.

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