Chapter 10

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“Elsa can I talk to you please alone” Anna asked “sure” Elsa nodded and they went to a room on deck. Anna shut the door “Elsa why do you always agree with Hans” Anna yelled “Anna calm down please I only did that for us” Elsa answered “He helped us escape and I’m okay with it...but staying on the kingdom where that…that Jerk lives” Anna continued to yell “Anna” Elsa shouted back and her fingers were getting icy, but she controlled it and palmed her face and sat, “I know you didn’t want t come but I’m doing this for your own good, you’d think I would agree with him for no reason” Elsa yeIIed Anna just stared at her “weII why did you” Anna asked with a determined face Elsa sighed “Because something deep inside me seemed to trust him” Elsa answered “fine but if he does something bad and his just manipulating again we eave okay” Anna suggested Elsa sighed and nodded and they went out of the room and they noticed that they were near an island “Aye! The Southern Isles” a saiI0r sighed Iow, Anna and Elsa gazed at the city, it docked at the pier, they went out of the boat and rode a carriage to the caste, a IittIe Iater they arrived “welcome to the westenguard caste” Hannah introduced, the caste was magnificent from its façade to its inside, Hannah          directed them to their rooms, “Kristoff and Anna went to their room and so did Elsa, Knock, knock” Elsa can I come in” Anna asked “yes come in” Elsa answered, so Anna went in “Hannah told me that we are invited to dinner” Anna answered “oh okay” Elsa answered Anna nodded and went to the door “see you later then” Anna asked “wait… where are you going” Elsa asked with a smirk , “I’m going to our room with Kristoff” Anna answered and left the room, “I wonder what are they planning” Elsa wondered, Evening came and Elsa went to the wardrobe to find a suitable dress to wear, she found a white undershirt and a black    strapless heart bodice with gold innings at the edges and a dark blue skirt  that goes to her Legs, she fixed her hair into a her elaborate French braid bun, then she stared at the clock, “it’s 7:00pm” she mumbled and went out of her room and headed t the dining haII, she opened the door and saw everyone seating, Hans’s 12 brothers were there and Hannah so was Anna and Kristoff , Elsa took a seat next t Anna and Kristoff ”wait where’s Hans…” Elsa paused when Hans came running to the door he paused and straightened up and slowly went to his seat “Iate again” Hannah mumbled, “dinner is served” the cook said and the staff went in with plates and handed it to them, they started to eat and the king broke the silence “so…um your majesty what brings you here in the Southern Isles” the king asked “uh… we didn’t it was your brother Hans who suggested that we come with him here” Elsa answered “I ‘am king Harold” the king introduced “and these are my 12 brothers Hamish, Harris, Harrison, Hubert ,George ,William, Iiam, Harry, Iinius, James, CIodh ,Hannah and…Hansel” Harold answered “oh …its nice to meet aII of you but who’s Hansel” Elsa asked, Hans Lowered his head “that’s me” Hans answered, Elsa giggled a bit, then she stopped, “they expected a girl” Harold answered and giggled, after eating Hans went to his room angrily and Elsa went t her room and so did Anna and Kristoff, ”man I hate those guys” Hans yeIIed , then he tried t cam down and started to undress himself and wore his shorts, “Hans it’s me, Hannah let me in “ Hannah asked , s Hans opened the door “Hans are you okay” Hannah asked “no I ‘am  not “ Hans answered “Hans I know your disappointed because they know that your name is um never mind that but if you reaIIy want t show her you care for her and that is why you agreed to go there, why not give her a tour” Hannah suggested “you think so ” Hans asked rubbing his arms “yep” Hannah answered 

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