Chapter 12

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So Hans started rowing back to the docks, when they arrived, Elsa immediately left the boat, but the boat wasn't equal with weight making Hans fall into the lake water, "Hans" Elsa screamed, after a few seconds Hans went back to the surface, gasping for air, Elsa chuckled "are you alright" Elsa asked stretching her hand to Hans "yeah" Hans answered and grabbed Elsa's hand, Elsa began to pull but his weight was to heavy for her and fell into the water, she went  back to the surface after 4 seconds, Hans burst into laughter "what's so funny" Elsa asked "guess who's in the water like a dumb"Hans answered laughing, then Elsa became mad and started swirling her hand forming a snow ball and aimed at Hans , he wasn't conscious because of laughing then she hit him with the snowball, "hey" Hans groaned "who's dumb now" Elsa playfully yelled then Hans chased her, when Elsa reached land Hans still was chasing her she ran all the way to the forest , she stopped and looked back, Hans catching up "still wouldn't gives up" Elsa smirked then she stumped her foot freezing the soil into an ice rink making Hans loose his balance and stumbles, Elsa giggles and approached Hans, he tried standing up but failed and fell on Elsa's arm he gets a little balance, "here" Elsa said and used her powers to make Hans's boots into ice skating boots, Hans started to stand on his own and glides with his boots, "hey its not so har...d" Hans moaned when he was loosing balance, then Elsa makes snow in the ice and throws a snowball at Hans she giggles, Hans grabbed some snow and formed into a ball and hit Elsa on the face, Hans laughed then saw Elsa threw a snowball he ducked and made a face (the face kids make when they win at something or say something like NENENENENE), then Elsa used her powers to make a huge snow boulder and threw it at Hans , he saw that incoming snow ball "oh ow" Hans moaned, BANG!, Hans got hit and got covered by the snow. a few seconds later Hans popped out of the snow. "cold,cold,cold,cold"Hans shivered, Elsa giggled "give up" Elsa asked with a smirk "okay I...I give up"Hans admitted, Elsa chuckles and stretches her hand to him he grabbed her hand and stood up from the snow. then he spots the setting sun. "we should be heading back" Hans reminded her "we can't go back in this wet garments" she answered "who said anything about going to the front gates"Hans answered and Elsa gave him a confused look, she followed him to the back of the castle, he looked up at one of the windows and went to a rock near them, turns out it wasn't a rock it was a box with a rope with a hook at the end. he tossed it at the window and it hooked at the mantle of the window. "climb" he gestured and Elsa smirkes at him and started climbing with Hans following, they reached the window and inside was the hallway, Elsa turned to Hans "your one sneaky monarch" Elsa admitted. "thank you" Hans gestured. they saw two guards approaching the hallway, so they hid at the sides of the neoclassical post, when they left, they went to the inventory room to find dry clothes. Elsa found a dress similar to what she wore earlier but violet

Hans found one similar with what he wore in Arendelle. they changed into the clothes they got. and went out of the room

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