Chapter 9

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Elsa went to the partition and changed into her nightgown, she untied her French braid and went to bed she was still wondering what that shiny red thing was, later on Elsa still couldn’t sleep she looked at the ice grandfather’s clock. It was 11:30pm .she couldn’t take it anymore her curiosity got better to her, so she got out of bed and went to Hans’s room she knew knocking could wake him so she just opened the door slightly and saw Hans snoring he was wearing his blue shirt and looked really cute asleep, she made the ice glow less and searched in his room he noticed the red glowing object on the table she approached it and grabbed it “huh” she looked puzzled, when she saw the red ice shaped a heart and a black leash tied on the top of it. “Why would Hans have one of this” Elsa asked herself then Hans started to groan she gasped a little and exited his room without a sound and went to her room she grasped the ice pendant to know how he got this, she closed her eyes and enterd her subconscious world .she saw colors (like the one pabbie showed her when she was a kid),it showed a flashback of her giving Hans the ice for his head, another vision appeared a blue figure surrounded with red light , the figure was in chaos and fear. Then the red light begin to form into a man and the blue figure became at peace with the red figure and then the two figures were together and a red light glowed from them and Elsa snapped and opened her eyes and she fell and landed on her butt she gazed at the red ice, it was getting brighter then she grabbed the necklace and hid it in one of the dressers, she was sweating and hyper-ventilating then sunlight fell on her face she realized it was dawn and she has been in the trance for hours, she decided to change into her ice dress like the one she wore yesterday and French braided her hair, she gazed at the ice clock “it’s only 6:30” she said, then she decided to watch the dawn but she first looked if Hans was at his balcony, and she noticed the ice was still glowing so she took the glow from the ice. And she went to the balcony “so that’s how I did it, I made the ice glow because of my feelings” she thought, Knock, knock “Elsa are you awake” Anna asked “um…yes come in” Elsa answered, Anna went in smiling and jumping “let’s go get breakfast” Anna asked happily “Okay” Elsa answered “Kristoff is waiting outside” Anna told her” I’ll be down in a minute” Elsa answered, Anna went to the door and before she closed the door “with Hans” Anna asked , “yep” Elsa answered then Anna nodded and left, Elsa wiped her face and headed to Hans. Right before she knocked or yell.” I’ll be down in a minute” Hans yelled from inside. “Okay” Elsa answered and went down, then a little later Hans went down and they started to find food , they same as yesterday, Hans found a orange tree so he stated picking them up af ter he did he headed back then bumps into somebody “Hey watch where you going” Hans yelled and started to pick the oranges, the mysterious person stood up and helped Hans “I…I’m so sorry…” The person paused and took her cape off “yeah you should be…HANNAH!” Hans yelled “ HANS” Hannah yelled then they hugged, he was happy to see his twin sister, she pulled away “what are you doing here” Hans asked “I heard about the attack so I immediately went here and asked if anyone seen you, nobody did so I went further and here I am bumping to you.” She answered “oh yeah Hans we need to go back” Hannah exclaimed pulling him “where” Hans asked “to the Southern Isles duh…” she answered sarcastically “I can’t” Hans answered “why not” She asked “Queen Elsa needs me and her sister and brother in law” Hans answered “Wait is it okay if they come with us to Southern Isles” Hans pleaded “If it’s okay with them” She answered “now let’s go” Hans said pulling her  “alright,alright” she yelled so they went to the castle where Elsa , Anna and Kristoff was “oh Hans your back…who’s that” Anna asked “Oh, She’s Hannah my twin sister, Hannah this is princess Anna and her husband um…prince Kristoff and Queen Elsa” Hans introduced “your highness” Hannah curtsied and so did the three of them “it’s nice to meet you princess Hannah and what brings you here if I may ask” Elsa asked “oh I came here to bring Hans back to the Southern Isles” Hannah answered  “oh so your leaving” Elsa said “um…yeah and I was wondering I f you would like to come with us” Hans suggested “and why would we do that” Anna asked “well Hannah said there were still spies looking for you and arrest you, so if you come with us back home they won’t find you” Hans protested  “um…” Elsa looked at Anna “NO” Anna made a signal with her hand “Fine” we will come with you” Elsa agreed , Anna rolled her eyes and decided to agree and so did Kristoff , “Great so Hannah you were saying” Hans reminded her “what oh right let’s go” Hannah said and they followed her and went to the fiord where the ship with the Southern Isles symbol was ,they climbed aboard and Elsa gazed at Arendelle “good bye Arendelle I will be back soon” she whispered.

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