Chapter 15

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Hans was banging his head at the wall regretting what he just did "what have I done"Hans mumbled then Hannah run towards the room and went to Hans she knelt down to level her height with Hans who was at the floor "what happened" Hannah asked "I...I made an mistake, I should have never spoke with the duke of weasel town"Hans answered, Hannah gasped "but if I never talked to him...I could never know he was responsible of the attack and now his got kristoff and Elsa and Anna went off to get him...and their life is in great danger because of me" Hans explained and sighed then a glimpse of red light came from the top dresser near the bed fell on Hans face "what the..." Hans moaned and Hannah was confused with the red light. they approached the glowing object, Hans saw that it was the red ice he spotted back at the ice castle, he grabbed it "how did this get here" Hans asked in confusion "Hans...what is that thing"Hannah asked "when I was still in Arendelle Elsa gave me ice for my bruised head and later on when it got dark she made the ice glow...everything was blue but this...this was red so I carved it into a heart and tied it to a leash"Hans explained and Hannah gave a smile "I may not know what ice powers are...but I know that this means LOVE"Hannah smiled and Hans face slowly changed into a puzzled face "Elsa loves me"Hans asked "there's a chance"Hannah assumed him then face turned into a worried face "Elsa ... we got to go after her who knows what danger she's facing right now"Hans yelled standing up "then let's go"Hannah answered

Elsa kept on struggling "Elsa stop there's no point...those aren't metal you can freeze"Anna stopped her "no...we've got to get out of here"Elsa spatted as she struggled then the duke returned and raised her chin harshly "give up" the duke asked evily  "let go of me"Elsa commanded then right as the duke was about to slap her an arrow shot from out of nowhere and landed at the top of the dukes head, Elsa gasped and looked up and saw Hans riding on sitron with the southern isles army "Hans"Elsa gasped "let them go" Hans yelled "or else what"the duke shouted back. then Hans went down from sitron and unsheathed his sword and they ran towards the duke and the duke ordered his men to attack.the two armies met like thunder everyone swat buckling with each other, Hans made it at the throne like part of the fortress where Kristoff, Anna and Elsa was but then a huge guard stepped in by surprise and swift his sword on Hans but Hans ducked and pushed him out of the way and made him unconscious . Hans continued and cut Anna and Kristoff's bind and he went to Elsa , he cut her bind from her hand "Hans...why" Elsa asked "I can't...I told you its dangerous and I cant leave you"Hans answered Elsa smiled then her smile began to disappear and she hit a man with her powers that was about to stab Hans at the back, Hans ducked "thanks"Hans thanked "anytime"she answered and they joined the fight Hans used his sword but he didn't kill anyone he just knocked them out and Elsa used her powers and trapped a guy with her ice spikes on the wall and punched him "you want to piss on me" Elsa yelled and used her powers again to push them away from her. Kristoff punched them with his fist and Anna was being cornered "any last words, Blondie" the man asked and Anna spots a banjo, right before he was about to hit her with his sword she hit him unconsciously with the banjo and the others . eventually the fighting stopped and the southern isles won. right as they were going to corner the duke, the duke grabbed Anna and pinned her against him and pointed a dagger at her neck "nobody move, nobody go closer or I'll kill her" the duke exclaimed and Anna squirmed from his hand. "Anna"Elsa yelled then she unleashed ice from her hands that hit the duke and pushed him away from Anna, "Anna"she yelled and embraced Anna "oh Elsa"Anna answered , Hans smiled at both of them happy together. the duke woke up and gazed at a crossbow next to him, he grabbed it and aimed at Elsa, she wouldn't let go of her then she pulled away "go to Kristoff"Elsa requested her and she nodded and went to Kristoff, Hans saw what the duke was doing and he immediately ran towards Elsa when Elsa gazed at the duke she gasped and when the duke released the arrow she was pushed out of the way by Hans and stumbled on the ground.

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