Chapter 14

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Elsa opened her eyes and realized she froze the floor and she became more frighten when somebody knocked at the door. "Elsa are back already" Anna asked , Elsa quickly thawed the ice before Anna went in "Hi" Anna said "Hi" Elsa answered "so is he manipulating" Anna asked sitting at the edge of the bed "Anna I don't think his lying" Elsa answered "why not"Anna asks "his changed somehow"Elsa answered "wait what"Anna asked in confusion "he shared me his childhood and share his most priced possession..."Elsa paused "what's that"Anna asked "triple layered chocolate sandwich...does that sound manipulative to you"Elsa answered "say all you want but I'm never getting convinced that his changed,you might think his a changed man but to me his still a frozen heart that was never thawed"Anna yelled standing up in rage. knock knock, "Now who is I this time" Anna asked "come in" Elsa answered the knock,Hans went in sweating like his been running "what is it Hans , is there something wrong" Elsa asked. "Kristoff's been kidnapped" Hans said. "WHAT"they both gasped "you did this to him" Anna accused "Anna"Elsa yelled and Anna gave her a sterned look and Elsa gazed Hans who looked guilty "please don't tell me she's right Hans TELL ME NOW"Elsa shouted , Hans sighed "he caught me talking with the duke of weasel town who is responsible of the attack...I asked him to leave cause I don't want trouble" Hans answered, Elsa eyes began to water "you really are a FROZEN HEART, if you wanted your revenge...just plot it on me not them...not my family and now his in great danger because of you" Elsa shouted and right as she was about to say a word she burst into tears and stormed out of the room leaving frost trails. Hans felt guilty and gazed at Anna, she looked as if she wanted to punch him and cry . then she catches up at Elsa "Elsa" Anna asked touching Elsa shoulder, she looked at Anna and hugged her "I'm sorry I couldn't save kristoff I was such an idiot" Elsa answered sobbing. "its not your fault Elsa" Anna assured her. then Elsa stopped sobbing for a while and went back to the room where Hans was "Elsa where are you going"Anna asked her but she never answered and went inside, Hans was leaning on the wall like he was regretting something then Elsa pinned him on the wall with her hand "where did they take him" Elsa yelled "at the northern part of the forest...but Elsa no its too dangerous" Hans answered "Elsa released him and changed her clothes to her ice teal dress (she wore in frozen) before she went out she turned back at Hans "don't think of stopping me"she yelled before storming out of the room "Elsa where are you going" Anna asked "are you coming to get Kristoff or not" Elsa asked and Anna nodded. they went out of the castle."hmrgh...wha...where am I"Kristoff asked and he noticed that he was at the mountain and he was tied to a chair "oh prince Kristoff your awake" the duke greeted "get me out of this...chair"Kristoff demanded struggling "oh yes of course...right after you hand me Elsa" the duke demanded "I would never tell you anything"Kristoff yelled "oh let's see about that" the duke sarcastically exclaimed and signaled some of his men to bring a man size ice block then they started melting it "NO...not a man size you have any idea how hard it is to harvest one of those" Kristoff flinched and struggled "now hand me the queen"the duke demanded "never"Kristoff yelled, then they brought another ice that was as bigger than earlier and started melting "OWW SWEET MOTHER OF GLACIERS!" Hans screamed "give up" the Duke asked "never "Kristoff yelled. the duke became frustrated and stopped. Anna and Elsa  made it to the mountain, "where could they have taken him"Elsa asked herself "ELSA" Anna screamed Elsa went to Anna but it was too late they already captured "get her quickly"one of the men commanded, Elsa gasped and used her powers to defend herself . one of the men hit her with a crossbow but she docked and they unconsciously knocked her out. "Elsa woke up her hands tied up she squirmed and saw Anna and kristoff next to her. "hello Queen Elsa"the duke greeted "let them go" Elsa demanded "and why would I do that"the duke asked with a smirk "I'm the one you want not them, I'm the one with ice powers not them"Elsa answered the duke chuckled with her answer and raised her chin "their going to be the death of you" the duke exclaimed . and Elsa took her chin from his hand and struggled from her blinded hands "let go of me" Elsa demanded.

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