Chapter 11

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  Hans sighed “I guess we can stop this” “but why “Hannah asked “I agreed to go to Arendelle was to ask for forgiveness from Queen Elsa and Anna, and telling her that I …I Love her but there’s no point telling her now” Hans sighed, Hannah paced her hand on his shoulder “that doesn’t mean we can’t try” Hannah answered, then Hans just stared at her “fine, but I’m only doing this because you told me to” Hans answered, Hannah hugged him and went to the door “break a Leg” Hannah yeIIed and went out , Hans gave her a weird look and tucked in his bed and thought of what Hannah told him to do, Knock, knock “Elsa can I come in” Anna asked “come in” Elsa answered, so Anna went in “so what are you planning to do tomorrow” Anna asked sitting on the edge of the bed, “I don’t know …read a book I guess” Elsa answered “Elsa you’ve got to be more than that like Kristoff and I , were going to tour around the castle” Anna suggested “well I could find something to do for the day” Elsa assured “okay see you tomorrow” Anna said heading to the door “yeah see you tomorrow” Elsa bid, Anna went out and Elsa tucked herself in the bed and slowly drift to seep,                                                                                                                                                                         The next morning Elsa was stiII seeping then a glimpse of sunlight fell to her face and made her slightly awake “hmm” Elsa moaned , Knock, knock “Elsa are you awake” Anna asked “um…yes come in” Elsa answered, so Anna went in “wake up sleepy head” Anna yelled “I’m…awake” Elsa yawns and stretches and headed to the dresser to brush her, knock, knock “now who could  that be” Anna asked “I’II get it” Elsa went to the door and opened the door “Hans” Elsa surprisingly yeIIed “um…Good morning Queen Elsa” Hans greeted, Elsa gave him a weird look ,he sighed  “look I know you stiII hate me for what I did to Arendelle I can Live with that, but Hannah requested me to give you a tour around Southern Isles since your here “ Hans explained “I would but-“ she was cut  “Queen Elsa ,please it’s the Least she can do besides to reject an offer is an insult” Hans answered “well…if it’s okay with Anna” Elsa answered glaring at Anna “could you excuse me for a minute” Elsa excused herself and shut the door “Anna-“ she was cut “I know should you agree or not, but I think you should, you know to find if his manipulating or not” Anna answered “okay” Elsa answered and she went back to Hans “I’II be ready in 5 minutes” Elsa said “I will be waiting at the horse stables” Hans answered as he exited the haIIway, “I  should be going now to  Kristoff” Anna said going out of the door, Elsa sighed and picked a dress from the wardrobe, she picked out a white long sleeved undershirt that has a crown cut on her wrist and a dark blue Lace bodice and a long dark blue skirt that goes to her knees and black shoes, then she French braided her hair and went down, Hans was waiting at horse stables with sitron “man what is taking her so long “ Hans groaned then Elsa went down and Hans was mesmerized at Elsa , he accidentally smiled at her “what” Elsa asked, Hans snapped and curtsied “nothing , it’s just you look nice in that dress” Hans smiled “um…thank you” Elsa slightly turned pink then they rode on sitron and Hans started his tour “this is town square where they often make my favorite dessert" Hans paused "so...what is your favorite dessert" Elsa chuckled a little "triple chocolate layered sandwich" Hans answered "you like chocolate too" Elsa gasped "of course I don't know anyone ho doesn't like chocolate" he stated then he stopped at a tiny shop "OH...prince Hans" the ,maiden greeted "how many do you need" the maiden asked "31 please" Hans answered "hey bufurd, I need 31choco sandwiches" the maiden screamed "how did she know what you want" Elsa asked "I always came here since I was a kid and I always get the largest amount" Hans answered "here you go your majesty" the maiden handed him the bag of sandwiches, "thank you" Hans thanked and went back to Elsa "you can finish all of that" Elsa asked "YEAH"Hans answered "which reminds me" Hans stopped and took one sandwich from the bag "here" he handed her one "um...thank you" Elsa thanked him and accepted the sandwich,she took a bite "ummm...its delicious" Elsa said indulging the taste, "I knew you would like it" Hans chuckled, then his smile began to fade away when he spots the fountain, Elsa saw him "hey what's wrong" Elsa asked "nothing, I just remembered when I was 6 we were playing dodge ball and I was it so they started hitting me with balls and I fell on that fountain" Hans answered, then they roamed around town and they sat on a bench near the fiord. "so wait a minute your real name is Hansel" Elsa asked with a smirk "a...yeah" Hans answered "I grew up everyone known me as Hansel but my mother told me my real name was Hans and it was my dad who speared that my name was Hansel." Hans explained, then he hatched with an idea, "follow me" Hans commanded, Elsa knew that he had no right to say that to a queen but since she was in his kingdom she had to obey. so they rode a boat in the lake where Hans rowed the boat, "so Hans since when did you loved sandwiches"Elsa asked "ever since I was a kid" Hans answered "one time mother caught me eating 50 of it" Hans chuckled and so did Elsa "hey where is the queen "Elsa asked, Hans face slowly dropped "she died when I was only 12" Hans answered Elsa gasped "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Elsa was cut off "its okay"Hans assured her. "I remember when my parents died, I was only 18,I couldn't even say goodbye"Elsa answered but her smile faded "I'm going to cry"Elsa said in a cracked voice and covered her face with her hands and started sobbing then Hans pitted her and touched her shoulder "its okay I wont judge" Hans assured her and made her lay on his shoulder, then she stopped sobbing and looked up at Hans then she closed her eyes and found the urge to kiss him then she opened her eyes and realized what she was doing so she pulled back "I...I'm sorry I didn't know what came to " Elsa apologized "we should be back at the castle

its getting dark"Hans suggested "yeah we should" Elsa agreed.

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