Chapter One

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Today's the day. No going back on plans. Today is my first day at school and i have to do it so I guess that I will then :/ My DAD said it is that I will having "fun" buuuuuut that is probably just and jokeing. He is such a jokester with his father farces. So he plooshed me into the car and zipped away off to my New School!

We pooled up and I locked around after JUMPING out of the moving vehicle and my dad screamed and i laughed. He is so funey like that sometimes tbh. I strated walking arund and locked at the big gates that opened up into the school, my fox tail fluncing behind me. (it was purple with sprackles) There where so many peoples over here and some of them hadded grey skin and candy corns on they're heads? ?? What? ?

I walked up to the first one of these thingies that I sawed. "Hi what the fuck is you" I asked her(?) I flapped her hair around and pushed up her glasses before saying "am voreska sexket!" she did a little strutty and winked at me. I blooshed.

"No but like what ARE you" i lolled. "Oh like cause my skin and the things on my head yeah im and troll from alternatey and that we came here cause it looked like fun so yeah" she said with a shrug. I nodded, suddnely understranding everything ever. I think i'm gonna like this trolls...

The bell ringed and and i followed me scheduling to go to the class that i have that is the first one of it. History. I do not like History.

"Henlo class" said a girl she was the tencher I guess so. She having a scraf around her neck and holded a empty wine glassed in her hand and in the othe one, a chalk.

"I'm Mrs. Lalonde :)" she said the whole of it. Idk how she made that sound with her mouth and my eyes began to water. "SO now everyone else you have to introduce yourself!!! Ice braker games!" ugh... i hate those... they r always so dumb and everyone hates them why do we do it!!!! Besides I HATE talking about myself because i am so emo and if anyone knew i was like actually theyd hate it so yeah XD

Mrs lalored passed around note cards that has quentions on them. "So you will read your out loud and everyone in you're taple goup will answer it!" she said and winked with a click of her heels. I looked at my card. "What is your favorite colour" it sayed on it. I looked around at my table grouping. Ther was a gorl with a blue hat and a cat tail on. Mental note: i like this one. Next to her was a very sweaty man who looked like he was forty years old but no hes in hig schol i guess okay? After He was some humans FINALLY and it was a girl with roundular glasses and bucked tooths and long black hair. She had green. And also was a dude who looked super cool like the opposite of ME and he was wearing shades inside! What a boy.

"I'LL GO FIRST!" said green girl. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME!!!!" she smiled with her teeth. "I'M JADE!!!!!" she yellered she was a very exctiing i can tell. She looked to shades boy next o her expentingly.

"Im dave" woah... what a name....

Cat girl was next. "IM NEPETA NYA :33" she said and did the little hand movement when she said nyah and a sparkle comed out and it was pretty kawaii if i do say so myslef.

"EQUIUS" is all sweaty guy said before he began spouting sweat like amotherfucking fountain. I stepped away from him. Evertone locked at me expenctingly. I golped.

"My name is mac. Im new" i swaubbles.

"OMG MAC!!!! YOUR NEW?!? YOU CAN HANG OUT WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS AT LAUNCH!!!" jade welluped. "Oh thanks jade" i said with a slight smilk. I flipped up the hood of my hoodie to look cooler.

"Alright guess ill go then" dave said as he adjusted his shades. I blooshed. "What is your favorite band?" he tappered his chin for a second and then "imagine dragons" he said with thought. "LOL DAVE UR SO EMO XD" said jade and laughed.

"I like babymetal nya >w<" said nepeta with a squeakle. equius shivered "mozart" he said and sweated.

"oh i like...." i thoughted... i really like my chemical romance the mostest buuuut "imagine dragons just like dave" i want to impress this dude

dave smilked "nice" he said

"I LIKE CARLY RAE JEPSON" jade yeplered with much of it.

"okay okay it is me uwu" nepeta said and held up her card to reading it. "what is your fafurrit subject in skool" she saided.

"lunch" dave said intermittently and everyone chickled especially jade. wow he's so funny...

"i like bilogy!!!" jade wandered.

"roboticks" equius murmured

"well i liek home ec cause we make DELISHOUS foods! nyah!" said neepers.

everyone locked at me because it was my turn. i thought for it. i don't know i hate school!!!! "ummmm" i said. "i guess writing" i shurges.

"OH MAC U WRITE?? ME TOO!!!!! WE SHOULD SHARE OUR WRITING TO EACH OTGER NYAH" nepeta yowled. i nodded in a sheep like way. except i didn't really because that is would be embracing!!!!! Ive have writte LOTS of yaoiz and idk if neepers is like a Hetero or something like that... We will se i guess.. "Equi,iss i t is your your turn!' nepeters tipped him on the shoulder and meowed. Equius grunted.

"Yes right" he murmered sweatily. "Uuuuhhhhh i cant... make it out.... My sweat... seems to have ... smeared it a bit" oh boy.. Nepeta looked over.

"Ummm I think it is..." she squinted hardly at it. "Oh! What is three words to use that would described you?" she squeaked with meowing. "Equius what do you say?"

"Uh... buttle.. High-class and,,, sweaty" he said. Nepeta jiggled at this.

"I will say! Cats! Hunting! And drawing nyah! (nyah was not one of the words i just like saying nyah a lot :33)" nepeta nyahed. "What about you mac?" she saided to me.

Oh man i do not know... i have to thing about it! "Ummm" i said with nerves. "emo , c..creative i guess... and.... Um well ... boring i guess lol" i said it and i said it with stutterations in the teeth. "WHAAAAT THAT CANT BE TUE!!!" jade wellered. I shrugged with a slight smill.


"Haha jade you fuckin furry" dave chickled. Oh no... if he is not like furries maybe he is not like ME?!? "Haha anywaffles ex dee i would say for me my three words up in this place here in this location at here in this time that is now would be: swag, cool, and bro" he adjusted his glasses and they sprakled with a galaxy inside them. It was beaytiful.

"HAHA DAVE YOU R SUCH AND NERD!!!" jade said and leaned up close to the Boy. I felt a burning in my intestines and i saw this show of affection...

All of the suddenly, the bell ringed! Like this: BRRRRRIIIINNNGGG!!!! And it was loudly. "Alrighty class! I hope youu all have a wonderfilled forst day if school! Bye bye!" said the tencher. 

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