Chapter Twenty

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The next day at school was.. Interesting to say the least of it all. Some rando kid was going around with one of those water bottle jug thingies like a water cooler in an office you know the ones and it said on it "save vriska serket" and it had some monies in it. "Help the vriska serket fund?" he said to me and shook the bottle. What the fuckity? "What the fuckity?" i said. "oh , well, yasee vriska threw a party the other night and that angry vantas kid beat her with a baseball bat! So we're all raising funds for her hospital bills!" hospital bills? This bitch... I did not give him any money. "HEY! WHAT IF YOU NEED A FAVOR FROM VRISKA SERKET ONE DAY! THEN WHERE WILL YOU BE?? HEARTLESS WENCH!" he said as i went away.

There were fliers hanging up all around the school and in the hallways that had a picture of vriska with.. cLEARLY fake bruises and such on her that said "SAVE VRISKA SERKET" and stuff like that. I ripped them off of the walls when i seed them at all because IT IS FAKE!!! At art Dave told me that karkat couldn't even come to school cause he was getting death threats for "beating up vriska"

In PE this dude in glasses said to me "hey did u hear about ths kid that beat up vriska serket and BRAGGED about it on snapchat? Pretty fucked up, right?" i just went like UGH and started running faster because of we were running laps at the time. After school when i gotted home i made a very important phone call.

"VASKA" i said when she answered. "Heeeeeeeey Mac!" she said and i could just HEAR her smilk through the phone speaker!!! "Dude! What the fuck!!!! Everyone at school thinks ur in the hospital!" i was angered much. "Yeah! Isn't it HILARIOUS? This dude left a big jar of money by my door! And I heard little Vantas isn't showing up to school either. What a wimp! If i were in his place, I never would have let a few little death threats stop me! I'm just trying to get through to him, yaknow? Teach him a lesson!"

"What the fuck kind of lesson is that supposed to be???" i raised my voice at this point in time. "I'm TRYING to teach the fucker to stand up for himself but OBVIOUSLY he's just gonna be a little bitch and cry over it instead!" she answered. "So then why don't you just tell everyone you're not actually hurt and that all he broke was ur vase and wall and shit. I mean like that's still bad but it's not nearly as hard to defend as fucking beating YOU with a bat!" i yelled.

"BECAAAAUUUUSE if everyone knew I was lying AFTER the fact, I'd never hear the end of it! Are you kidding me? They'd all think I did this for attention and money and that I'm a total bitch!" she said. "But you did do this for attention." "EXACTLY! Can't exactly stop the train once it leaves the station." what in the hell is that even supposed to mean that is not an analogie that works in any context?? I ignored the weird shit she said. "Can you at least do something so karkat can fucking come back to school AT LEAST?" i welded. "Ugh... FINE! I'll try to think of something. Jeez, Mac! You sure do drive a hard bargain..." BEEP BEEP BEPP (that was the sound of the hanging up)

Just aftr then that, I got a instagram notification. It saided: arachnidsGrip is live! Watch it before it's over! Whathe fuck. I pressed on the thingie. It was vriska and she had makeup on to make it look like she had cuts and bruises and she had a bandage around her head and all that shit. "Hey guys" she said and then did a fake bullshit cough. All this time all the little hearts where going up and people where commenting like "omg i cant believe he did this to u!!! Get better~!~" and all that kinds of stuff.

"So I just want to say a few things. First off, I heard that Karkat Vantas hasn't been able to go to school because he's been receiving death threats and that's TOTALLY not swaggy, so cut that out." she did another fake cough. "Second, hen he does come back, don't be so hard on him. He was in a fit of rage and let's be real here, I probably deserved it" wow i don't think i've ever seen her so... vulnerable? Vriska's a really good actress. "So yeah that's all. I'll take questions now." I left before THAT shitstorm happened.

The next day at school, Vriska was back and everyone was giving her all the attention she planned for, everyone crowding her and hugging her and asking her about scars and stuff like that. She still had the fake bruise shit on but a little bit lessly and no bandage anymore. "Yeah, I've always been a pretty quick healer!" she said and then looked directly at me and winked. I rollered my eyes at her. I just wanted to hang out with my bf right now tbh... I walked around the lunch place and locked around for him. He wasn't at our usual taple.

Me: hey where r u

John: F hall

Me: uh y?

John: i HATE seeing vriska getting all this attnetion!

John: it's absolute bull!

John: i know she didn't actually get hurt!

John: i bet she doesn't even really remember what happened herself she was so boozed up i bet she blacked the fuck out!

Me: yeah actually she told me she didnt remember much

John: SEE! God i hate her.

John: i hope she gets whats comin to her.

I walked into the F hall and found john sitting all by himself so i sitted down next to him. He hadded the chips on hims face :( "John why cry?" i said. He sighed. "This vriska shit..." he said and he need not say more, for i understood all the way. I nodded so that he knew this that i did understand it. "Sometimes it feels like the whole world's going crazy..." he looked at me "but at least we have each other, right?" he smiled. D'aw :) "yeah :)" i said and gived him a lil kissy on the nose. He gaggled. Whenever he did that it reminsicned me of Jade's gaggle... oh... I shooka shacka the thot from my mind. This will not is happening! Jade is gone for good! Never coming back! She lives on some island in the middle of no where and I will never see her again!!!

The next day, we had a new student in our history class. "Alright guys we gots a new kid with us today! Just moved here all the way from..." Mrs. Lalonde looked at a piece of paper "Argentina!" she finally created. "Hi!" said a girl with long black hair and bucked tooths. She wore a long blue flowy skirt and had round classes. I shaked my head. She looked near identical to jade harley! "Introduce yaself to the class dear!" said Ms. lalored.

"Hi everyone! My name is Lynn Bishop! And I am so excitemented to be at a new school and meeting new people!! I had lots fo friends where i came from and i sure do miss them but i am so happy to be making all new ones!! My hobbies are including gardening and knitting! And i have a pet doggie named Bart! He is soooo cute and fluffy!!!" she said. "Thank you Lynn you can take your seat... ah! Next to dave!" she pointed to dave who sitting across from me.

"Hi!" said lynn when she sitted down. "Yo" said dave. "Hi" i said. "What are all of your names?" she asked with a :) "i'm mac" i said shyly. Her eerie similarity to jade was still freaking me out. "Im dave. Pleasure to make ur acquantanece" dave said. Lynn goggled. "Well you both know who i am hehe! I am so excited history is one of my favorite subjects!" "oh then what is your favorite then?" i wondered... would she have the same as jade? Biology? "Hmmmm" she thought and tippa tappad her chin just like jade used to do. "I'd have to say.... PHYSICS!" she smiled largely. Oh ok cool. "Oh ok cool." i said.

"Yo lynn do u wanna sit with us at lunch? We got a pretty neat squad goin on n all so it would be p rad if you joined us." dave said. "Oh sure! That sounds super fun!! Thanks for inviting me! I am so excited to meet your guys's friends too!" she is so much excitemented so much like how Jade was when she was here... I tried to putting the thought out of my mind and it is totally just a series of coinky dinks!!! Totally!!!

At lunch, Lynn joined us like we said she could and everyone sort of looked at each other confusioned because of her scary similarity to our former friend. "Hello, Lynn. My name is Rose, this is my girlfriend Kanaya. It's a pleasuer to meet you." Rose shook her hand. "And MY NAME IS VASKA!" vriska said standing up. "Im gay" said terezi. Lynn smiled and nodded. Woah i am having a deja vu moment right now omg i hate when that happens... anyways. I pointed to John "that's my boyfriend" i said with pride in my me. Lynn looked a bit disapopintment when i said that for some reasons. Hmm. "and this is my beef karkat. He's real grumpy tho so look out" dave said whilst giving karko a pat and the back. "FUCK YOU I AM NT GRUMPY WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT" and everyone laughed. 

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