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It was early in the morning when Kat had woken up and placed her purple suit on that labeled her as a medical researcher. She smiled as she grabbed her bag and then looked outside.

"Hey Keith you ready I have to leave in a hour!" Kat yelled happily.

"Yea I'm coming." Keith yelled from outside.

Kat smiled as she saw Keith walk into the house in a black t-shirt. Her smile disappeared when she saw a frown on his face.

"Come on cheer up I'll be back before you know it and I'll have Shiro with me to bug the crap out of you." Kat said with a smile.

"I know I just wish I could go with you." Keith said sadly.

Kat sighed as she ruffled up his hair and slid off her jacket. She smiled as she handed it to him.

"Here wear this until I get back." Kat said as he took it.

Keith smiled as he slid the jacket on and looked up at Kat. He quickly hugged her and she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I will miss you so much sis." He said sadly.

"I promise we will see each other again and nothing is gonna stop me." Kat whispered.

Kat and Keith then left to the station where they met up with Shiro.

"Hey Keith, Kat.... how are you guys?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Great." Keith said walking away.

"Still upset that you aren't gonna be here?" Shiro asked softly.

"Yea.... I hope he will be okay." Kat said softly.

"He will.... how about I go talk to him.... I am like a brother to him." Shiro said with a smirk.

"And to me you big ball of stupidity." Kat said with a laugh as she watched him walk over to Keith.

After a few months Kat and her team made it to Kerberos where she would soon be captured along with her crew.

"LET ME GO!" Kat yelled as she tried to break the chains that held her.

After a few months of being tortured she broke from her chains and ran from the guards. While running she ran into someone who covered her mouth and pulled her into a room. She tried to fight against them but it was in vain.

"Stop squirming." The man whispered.

Kat bit into his hand and he let go. She turned to run but he pinned her to the wall. She looked up to see a man with purple tented skin and long white hair.

"Now unless you want to get us both killed, listen to me." He hissed.

"What do you want?" She whispered.

"I want to help you escape I have a pod ready." He said softly.

"How do I know I can trust you?"She asked softly.

"Because I am putting my life on the line." He said softly.

"Okay I'll do what you say." Kat said as he smiled softly at her.

"Alright follow me." He said dragging her behind him.

After awhile they made it to a escape pod and he helped her inside of it.

"I have to do give you something real quick that will enable me to find you when needed." He said placing something around her neck.

"What is this?" She asked looking up.

"Something that will allow me to track you." He said smirking.

He went to close the pod but she stopped him.

"Who are you?" Kat asked looking up at him.

"I will tell you when we next meet kitten." He said with a smile as he shut the door and ejected her out of the ship.

Kat sighed as she set on the floor of the escape pod and then got into the seat to see where she was headed to. Kat sighed as she saw that she was heading back home, it showed that she had a month and a half journey home. Kat sighed as she closed her eyes allowing sleep to take over her senses. After the time passed she landed on earth and watched as her pod was cracked open by the Galaxy Garrison. She was taken into a room where she saw Shiro beside her, she smiled softly before passing out. Kat woke up to see Shiro outside talking to someone, she set up and put her feet over the bed and went to stand up.

"Hey don't get up your still to weak." A voice said.

"I need to find my... brother." She said softly.

"Kat?" A voice asked.

Kat looked up to see Shiro walk into the room with another person. Tears felled Kat's eyes as she realized the other person was Keith and he was wearing her jacket.

"Keith...."She whispered through tears as he ran and hugged her.

After awhile they went in search of the Voltron, they only found a part of it. They soon left and ended up going to another planet. Kat watched as they met Princess Allura and Coran. She listened as they told her about the war and the Lions.

"Pidge will be the green lion, Hunk the yellow, Lance the blue, Keith the red, and Shiro you will be the black lion." Allura said softly.

"What about Kat?" Keith asked softly.

"Kat doesn't fit for any of the lions.... well except one but no one knows where it is and it never had much effect on Voltron." Allura explained.

"Which one is it?" Shiro asked confused.

"The purple, but it went missing along time ago with the pilot........ my aunt." Allura said sadly.

"I'm fine not being a pilot I can stay here for emotional support." Kat said sending Keith a smile.

"Are you sure sis?" Keith asked sadly.

"Yes as long as I am with you I am fine and any ways I need to find the man who saved me.... I owe him my life and I don't even know his name." She said sadly as she looked down at her necklace.

Kat saw her brother smile at her softly before they all left to find the lions and soon it was the start of Voltron and them saving the world.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now