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As the days past Voltron became stronger and soon enough the team did as well. Kat became the one to work the healing pods and navigate the others. She spent everyday helping her team with anything emotional. When Pidge told Kat about being a girl, she was understanding and was happy for her to do all she could to find her brother Matt.

"Hey sis I need your help." Keith said running up to her.

"What do you need Keith?" Kat asked as she looked away from her screen.

"We are going to meet the Blade of Marmora and.... I want you to stay on the ship with everyone else." He explained.

"Alright please be safe." She said hugging him.

"I will... I mean I have Shiro with me so what do I have to lose." Keith said walking to his lion.

"I wish you felt that safe with me." Kat whispered sadly.

After awhile they returned with some of the members of the Blade of Marmora. They learned that they where all Galra.

"My name is Kolivan I am the leader of the Blade of Marmora." The man explained.

Kat didn't listen to the rest because she was focused on Keith. She walked over to him and went to place her hand on him but he pushed her away and walked out of the room.

"Give him time." Shiro said softly placing his hand on her shoulder.

Kat sighed sadly as she walked to her room and set on her bed. She moved her hand to her pillow where she pulled out a dagger.

"Mother... I wish you where here." Kat said as she held the dagger tightly.

It soon turned into a blade and then after Kat put it down it returned back to normal. After awhile she left her room and went to see how everyone was.

"We are going to attack them now." Shiro said as he turned to see Kat walking in.

"Are we truly ready to attack them?" She asked looking up at Shiro.

"I believe we are.... you will be on the ship with Allura and Coran." Shiro said as he explained the plan.

After awhile the plan started and soon Zarkon was defeated but it came with a price.

"Shiro!" Keith yelled as they all ran to Shiro's lion.

They opened the door to see that he was no longer in the cockpit. Tears filled Kat's eyes as she walked away from everyone and left to go to her room. After a few days Kat went to the leader of the Blade of Marmora.

"Kolivan I was wondering if.... I could join Blade of Marmora and learn how to fight." Kat said showing him her blade.

"I believe that can be arranged." He said with a small smile.

The next day Kat left to go train with him and the Blade of Marmora. Soon enough she became the top fighter and soon became his second-in-command. She spent most of her days in the shadows only attacking when needed.

"You have become a strong warrior Kat." Kolivan said smiling down at her.

"Thank you sir." She said softly.

"Your team seems to be having problems working together.... seems they are still sadden by the loss of the black lion." He said as his smile disappeared.

"They aren't my team..... I was never fully apart of Voltron." Kat said as she walked away.

The next day they got a message that the planet Puig was under attack and needed help. Kat was the first to jump in her ship and speed to them. After a few minutes she was there with her team. She quickly landed and on the planet and searched for the planets attackers. After a few minutes her team was attacked and most knocked out. Kat quickly fought against one of the woman and took them down.

"Ezor!.....Zethrid take that girl out now!" One of them yelled.

"On it!" The big one yelled as she ran towards Kat.

Kat smirked as she dodged the attack and threw a shock boom at Zethrid. Zethrid screamed as she fell to the ground unconscious.

"Night night." Kat said before dodging a wave of attacks by the last two.

She saw that the one with a tail was using a cat to see her so she grabbed some dirt and threw it into the cars eyes blinding her. She threw the girl into a wall knocking her out and then tripped the other girl. She pinned her to the ground with her blade against her neck.

"Why have you attacked planet Puig?" Kat asked through her mask.

"Our prince wished it." She said with a smirk.

Kat quickly turned around and blocked a set of attacks by a masked figure. The fight ended with Kat pressed up against a wall.

"You lose." The masked man said with his blade against her neck.

"Really cause I don't think so." Kat said kicking him in the privates and throwing him off of her.

She ran to grab her sword that she had dropped and spun around to block his attack.

"Kat, this is Kolivan, come in, are you alright?" A voice asked over her com.

"I'm kind of busy right now." Kat said as she dropped to the ground to dodge the masked man's sword.

"Voltron is on its way." Kolivan said quickly.

"I don't need their help." She said as she hit her sword against the masked man's and knocked it out of his grasp.

"It appears you win." The masked man said holding up his hand.

"Who are you?" Kat asked annoyed.

"Prince Lotor, son of Zarkon." He said from under his mask.

"Zarkon has a son?" Kat asked shocked.

She watched as he took off his mask to reveal his face. Kat's face turned to shock as she realized who was standing in front of her.

"You!" Kat yelled before she heard foot steps and turned around just in time to be hit in the face.

Her helmet fell off and when she raised back up she was kicked in the face and knocked out.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now