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"I can't believe you are with Lotor." Shiro said with a frown.

"Shiro stay out of my business." Kat said walking away from him.

Shiro followed behind her and complained until they made it to the door leading to the control room.

"What do you want of me? Shiro I love Lotor and he loves me." She said turning to face him.

"He isn't me..... he can't give you a life on earth." Shiro said as he took her hands.

"I'm sorry Shiro..... but I choose him and I will always choose him." Kat said pulling her hands away and walking in to see everyone talking.

Kat sighed as she made her way to see Lotor, when she made it to his room she saw he had his head in his hands.

"Are you alright love?" She asked softly.

"Just tired...... how are you?" He asked smiling at her.

"I am fine. You should sleep." She said running her fingers through his hair.

"If I sleep do you promise to keep doing that?" He asked softly.

"Always love." She said kissing his forehead.

He laid down and She smiled as she placed his head in her lap so she could run her fingers through his hair.

"Thank you for this." He said softly.

"It's nothing your highness." She whispered with a smile as she pecked his lips.

He smiled before he closed his eyes and softly fell asleep. After awhile Kat closed her eyes and leaned back and fell asleep against the back board. When she woke up she was laying on Lotor's chest and he was running his hands through her hair.

"So Kolivan wants me to help on a mission." She said softly.

"Will you be in danger?" He asked softly.

"Nothing I can't handle..... Lotor.... Shiro said something and I... still can't stop thinking about it." Kat said with a sigh.

"What was it?" Lotor asked softly.

"That.... you can't give me a life on earth... and thinking of it. You can't, your half Galra half Altean. I am half Galra half human..... I most likely will have to go back to earth.... but you will be here and.... I-"

"Kat... it doesn't matter. As long as I can hear your voice and see your face I will be happy. If need be you can visit earth whenever you want..... as long as I can wake up with you beside me. Also please be safe on your mission.... and no getting injured." Lotor said with a smile.

Kat sighed as she snuggled into him. She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat before they had to get up and leave. Kat sighed as she made her way to Kolivan to speak about the mission.

"You are going to rescue a galra spy named Krolia with Keith. Make sure you destroy there weapon." He explained.

"Alright we are on it." She said as she changed into her gear.

She slipped her mask on and met up with Keith on a ship.

"You ready hothead?" Kat asked with a smile.

"Always." He said with a smile.

They made it to the base and snuck inside and found Krolia.

"We need to hurry up." Kat said softly.

"You guys are late." Krolia said with a frown.

Kat rolled her eyes as they made their escape. Half way out Keith got caught and Krolia and Kat both fought beside each other. It ended with Kat getting stabbed in the side and Krolia giving up the information on how to open the door if they let them leave. After escaping Keith rushed to Kat's side and checked her wound.

"Lotor is gonna be so mad." Kat said with a laugh.

Keith laughed as he shook his head.

"He'll live." Keith said with a smile.

"Thanks for the help back there Krolia." Kat said trying to stand.

"You shouldn't try to stand Kathrine." Krolia said softly.

"How do you know my first name?" Kat asked shocked.

Krolia let out a sigh and took a deep breath.

"I lost you both once..... I wasn't going to lose you again." Krolia said softly.

"How did you use my blade?" Keith asked confused.

"It was mine..... before I gave it to your father." She said softly.

"Wait your our mother!" Keith exclaimed in shock.

Kat looked at her shocked before she gasped and everything went dark.

"Kat!" Keith yelled as she passed out.

Keith and Krolia quickly piloted the ship and took Kat to the Galra healers to be healed. After awhile of being healed Kat woke up to Lotor yelling at Kolivan.

"She shouldn't have been on that mission!" He yelled.

"She knew the risks." Kolivan said calmly.

"No she didn't! She would have told me the risks if she had known them! You put the love of my life in danger! And the future queen of the Galra!"

Kolivan looked at Lotor in shock as he turned and noticed that Kat was awake.

"Good to see your awake Kat." Kolivan said calmly.

"Kat?" Lotor asked as he rushed to her side.

"I'm fine Lotor. It was only a little cut." She said calmly.

"A little! You where stabbed through the side! You nearly died from blood loss!" He snapped as he glared down at her.

"But I didn't." She said softly.

"Kat no more missions. Your life is to important for you to die." He said forcefully.

"I'm sorry.... I didn't think that I would get hurt.... I won't go on any missions for now.... but if it becomes a important mission and my brother needs me. Then don't try to stop me." Kat said with a frown.

"Alright.... but don't scare me like that again.... please... I don't know what I would do if I had lost you." He whispered as he kissed her forehead.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now