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When Kat woke up she was on a bed and covered up. Her necklace was around her neck and her helmet an suit beside her. She set up to see Lotor sitting in a chair in front of the bed.

"Hello Kitten." Lotor said with a smirk.

"Who changed my clothes?" Kat asked annoyed.

"Ezor did I didn't think you would want me changing them." He said with a smirk.

"What do you want with me?" She asked not taking her eyes off of him.

"Well I was wondering why you didn't stay on earth after I risked my life to get you there." He growled.

"My brother is apart of Voltron. You fill in the blanks. Why did you save me?"

"You interested me..... I knew about your heritage but you where still a mystery. Not something I'm use to, you see I read people very well." He said walking up to Kat.

"Sucks for you cause I'm good at hiding." Kat said with a smirk.

"And you learn how to fight nicely." He said with a smile.

"So why didn't you kill me?" Kat asked looking up at him.

"Because I want your help in taking down my father." He said with a smirk.

"Okay what do you need from the Blade of Marmora?"

"Oh I don't need them. I only need you. I need someone close to Voltron to help me gain their trust when the time comes so we can stop my father." He explained.

"Alright I need to report to my leader."

"No one can know or Hagger will learn and I will be killed." He said softly.

"Alright.... but I won't hurt my family." Kat said standing up.

"I know.... and I respect that." He said with a smile.

After awhile Kat became close to Lotor and would stay by his side even in battle. It didn't take her long to start to have feelings for him and soon love him. Kat also learned who everyone was and soon became close friends to Lotor's Generals.

"Lotor if your father is awake do you think he will learn about your betrayal?" Kat asked walking beside him.

"No my father cares more about the Black Lion then me betraying him." Lotor said with a smirk.

"What about Haggar?"

Lotor stopped with a sigh before turning to face Kat.

"I will be fine." He said softly.

"But what if she does find out, you could be killed or worse." Kat said looking away from him.

"I promise it will be fine."

"I said that to my brother before I left and.... I never really came back to him fully." Kat said turning away.

"I won't break this promise." Lotor said before walking away.

Kat walked to her room and laid down on the bed and fell asleep. After awhile she felt a dip in her bed and set up to see Lotor laying beside her.

"Hello Kitten." Lotor said softly.

"Your back." Kat said quietly.

"Told you I would be." He said with a smile.

Kat rolled on her side to face him.

"So what happen?" Kat asked leaning on her hand.

"I was relieved of my position." Lotor said with a smile.

"Now what's our next move?" She asked with a small smile.

"We rest for now I sent everyone to bed tomorrow we will regain working."

"Alright shouldn't you be going to your room to rest?" Kat asked looking at him confused.

"I wanted to check on you first.... make sure you where alright before I headed back to my room." He said sitting up.

Lotor slowly got up to leave but Kat's hand reached out to stop him.

"Could you..... sleep beside me tonight please?" Kat asked shyly.

"Would be my pleasure." Lotor said before slipping under the covers and wrapping his arms around Kat.

Kat closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat before falling asleep. When she next woke up she was laying on Lotor. She smiled softly before rolling off of him and standing up. She stretched before walking to her bathroom to change into her suit. When she walked back out she saw Lotor watching her.

"Your up early." Lotor said with a smile.

"Actually I'm up late.... we where both suppose to get up early to help over see the construction of the new ship." Kat said as she placed her hand on her hip.

"I forgot." He said with a laugh.

Kat rolled her eyes before walking out of the room with Lotor beside her. Kat walked to her station and started to work.

"So I saw Prince Lotor walk out of your room with you." Ezor said with a wink.

"Nothing happened." Kat said annoyed.

"Come on it is obvious your in love with him and he is with you."

"Ezor he doesn't feel anything for me all I am is a worker." Kat said sadly.

"But you do love him?"

"Yes I do now let's get to wor-" Kat was cut off by the ship shaking and her falling to the ground.

She stood up and ran with Ezor behind her.

"We are leaving." Lotor said in anger.

Kat followed behind him and looked on in confusion as he stopped and turned looking at Narti. Lotor moved faster than any of them could see and struck Narti down. Kat looked on in shock before Lotor grabbed her and had her follow behind him. They all got in their ships and sped away from the fight. Lotor had Kat in his ship while the others where in another ship.

"Lotor..... why did you kill Narti?" Kat asked turning off the com to the others.

"Haggar was using her to find us." He explained.

"I see.... couldn't you have..... just sent her away?"

"No she would have gotten caught and I fear tortured to learn my plans." He explained.

"I'm sorry Lotor." She said sadly.

They made it to a planet where Lotor tried to enact his plan but it failed. They all stopped and landed on a rock and Lotor looked up at his portal. Kat watched as the girls talked before she saw Acxa walk over to Lotor and shoot him.

"What are you doing?" Kat asked walking over to them.

"Saving ourselves." Acxa said before Zethrid knocked Kat out.

When Kat next woke up she had her hands wrapped around Lotor and bound behind him. She looked up to see that he was still passed out. She sighed as she felt herself slip back into unconsciousness.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now