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As the days past Kat was finally able to leave her room and walk. She was forced to stay near Lotor most of the day so he could watch her and protect her.

"Lotor I can protect myself. Stop worrying." She said with a smile.

"I won't stop worrying until I know your safe from harm." He said softly.

"Lotor I will never fully be safe..... you just have to understand that." She said smiling up at him.

"I know, but I want to try and keep you as safe as I can.... you are my everything and the Galra Empire needs you..... I need you." He whispered as he gently kissed her.

She smiled a she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.

"I love you." Kat whispered softly.

"I know, and I love you more." He said with a smile.

A year later they where married. Coran walked Kat down the aisle to Lotor and Allura married them. Kat smiled as she put her long purple tint dress on a hanger and slipped her slippers on.

"Hello Handsome." Kat said sitting in Lotor's lap.

"Hello Love." He said pecking her lips.

"I can't believe that I can finally call you my husband." She said with a smile.

"I can't believe that I finally get to call you my wife." He said kissing her forehead.

"Lotor..... what do you think about children?" She asked with a small smile.

"I hope one day we can have one...... a strong leader... like myself."

Kat laughed as he smirked at her playfully.

"I hope for a girl..... a girl who is loving, kind, and caring.... also a good leader." She said with a laugh as he raised a eyebrow.

"How about a son first.... so he can protect her and his loving mother." Lotor said with a smile.

"A brave and caring son.....who is as handsome as his father." Kat said with a laugh.

"I am so glad I met you."

"And I am glad I got captured by your father or I never would have been saved by you." She said kissing him.

Two years later Kat had a girl. She had brown hair and purple eyes with a slight yellow tint to them.

"Look at her.... she is so beautiful." Lotor said with a smile.

"Elizabeth..... that's what I want her name to be." Kat said with a smile.

"Liz for short." Lotor said with a smile.

Kat smiled as she rocked her daughter back and forth.

"Thank you..... for giving her to me." Lotor said kissing Kat's forehead.

Kat smiled as she put Liz in her crib. Lotor smiled as he wrapped arms around Kat.

"I love you." Kat said kissing him.

Lotor smiled as they both went to bed. Kat woke up at two o'clock when Liz started crying. Kat smiled as she picked Liz up and rocked her back and forth. Kat smiled as she put Liz back into the crib.

"Such a cute baby." A voice said from behind Kat.

Kat turned and gasped as she felt a blade pierce through her stomach. She fell to the ground as she watched the figure grab Liz.

"No.... do...n't.... ta...ke.... my baby..." Kat said through tears.

"Don't worry my dear. I promise she will be safe with me." The figure said with a laugh.

Kat watched as the person left with Liz and left her on the ground bleeding to death.

When Lotor woke up he walked into Liz's room to see where Kat was. When he made it inside he rushed to her side. He picked her up and carried her to a healer. He waited until the healer came out of the room. When she did come out Lotor ran inside and walked up to Kat. He ran his fingers through her hair as tears streamed down his face.

"I promise... I will find the person who did this to you." He whispered.

Lotor said as he watched her chest rise up and down.

"We did all we can, She doesn't have much time." The healer said as she left the room.

"Everyone will pay. Starting with Voltron." He said with a snarl.

It ended when Voltron won and they where forced to stop being Voltron. Lotor was defeated and left to go in hiding. Voltron went its separate way and the purple lion was left without a pilot......until sixteen years later when Voltron starts to fight back with new cadets.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now