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"Kitten wake up." A voice said softly.

Kat opened her eyes to see that she was still sitting in Lotor's lap and had her arms tied behind Lotor's back.

"What happen?" Kat asked confused.

"My Generals betrayed me..... can you move your hands from behind me?" Lotor asked softly.

"Yea I think so." Kat said as she slid them over his head.

"Good now I can pilot better." He said as he leaned up to grab the controls.

"Can you unlock my cuffs?" Kat asked softly.

"Oh yes of course." He said as he took her hands in his.

Lotor pushed a button on the cuffs and they unlocked allowing Kat to move her arms. She sighed in relief as she was able to move.

"We must make our leave now, you will have to stay in my lap for the time being." Lotor said with a smirk.

"Why do I feel like you don't have a problem with that." Kat said annoyed.

"Who would have a problem having a beautiful woman in their arms?" He asked amused.

Kat rolled her eyes as they started to fly again. After awhile Lotor put it on autopilot and leaned back. Kat leaned her head on his chest before closing her eyes. It didn't last long because they where attacked and had to speed away. Kat held onto Lotor as he speed away from the ships and to a star that was ready to explode.

"Are we really going there!" Kat yelled shocked.

"Yes so hold on tight." He said before speeding towards it.

They got away from the ships and soon ran into the rebellion. Lotor told them that they needed to speak and then they landed in the castle. When Kat got out of the ship she closed her helmet up so no one could see her face and then she waited for Lotor to get out.

"So what do you want Lotor?" Shiro asked walking up to them.

"A truce, I believe we have a common enemy." Lotor said with a smirk.

"No way would we work with you! Your nothing but a murder!" Allura yelled glaring at him.

"Allura don't." Coran said softly.

"No I will not stand here and trust this monster! The woman you kidnapped her name was Kat! She was one of the greatest most kindest person I have ever known and..... you took her from all of us.... did you leave her on that ship for your father to destroy?" She asked through tears.

Before Lotor could say anything Kat stopped him.

"No he didn't Allura." Kat said taking off her helmet.

"Kat?" Allura asked shocked.

"I'm glade to see you alive Shiro..... I'm so sorry I hurt all of you I was working with Lotor in hopes of taking down his father, Zarkon." Kat explained.

"Your alive.." Shiro said before wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"I never thought we would see you again." Shiro whispered happily.

Kat felt tears fall from her eyes as she hugged Shiro back and then pulled away to feel him kiss her forehead.

"I missed you too Shiro." Kat said happily.

Kat smiled softly at Allura as she embraced her happily.

"I am so happy that you are alive.... just know I won't say sorry to Lotor and we are putting him in a cell until we can trust him." Allura said pulling away.

"I know and understand." Kat said as Allura dragged her inside.

Kat stopped and watched as Shiro took Lotor to a cell. She let it a sigh as she followed Allura. When they all walked into the control room everyone froze at the sight of Kat alive.

"Kat's alive?" Lance asked happily as he ran up and hugged her.

"Good to see you Lance." Kat said with a laugh.

"We missed you so much Kat!" Pidge said happily.

"I missed you also..... so..... where is Keith?" Kat asked looking around.

"He has been working for the Blade of Marmora. He should be here soon." Lance explained.

"I see thanks." She said softly.

After awhile Keith walked into the room and stopped as soon as he saw Kat.

"Kat its good to see you again my old friend." Kolivan said walking up to her.

"You as well Kolivan.... I'm sorry I wasn't able to explain my plan to you it was just to important that me working with Lotor stay a secret from everyone." Kat explained.

"I understand completely I had a feeling that was what was going on." He said with a smile.

After awhile Lotor started giving information to help fight Zarkon. Kat walked her old room and sighed as she set on the bed. Kat stood up and went to her door when she heard a knock.

"Shiro what can I do for you?" Kat asked softly.

"I wanted to make sure you where alright." Shiro said with a smile.

"Come in and let's talk." She said moving over and closing her door.

Shiro walked to Kat's bed and set down waiting for her to follow.

"So I'm gonna be honest are you in love with Lotor?" Shiro asked.

"I...... I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help myself. I hate this feeling I feel so weak around him and yet I feel safe." Kat said putting her head in her hands.

"I understand I once felt the same for someone, but I realized that I couldn't have them..... they are meant for someone else." Shiro said sadly.

"Who was it?"

"No one important." He said standing up.

"Shiro tell me please." Kat begged.

Shiro looked back at her and sighed before sitting back down and looking into her eyes.

"Please." Kat begged.

"It's..... she is.... screw it." Shiro said before grabbing Kat and pulling her into him.

He pressed his lips against hers and put all his love and respect into it. Kat froze up as she felt him kiss her. This wasn't her first kiss but it was the only kiss she felt nothing for. She quickly pushed Shiro away.

"Shiro I can't.... I'm sorry but I don't feel that way towards you." She said softly.

"I understand completely." He said walking out of the room.

Kat let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. After nearly a hour she got up and decided to check on Lotor.

"How are you feeling Lotor?" Kat asked with a smile.

"Fine. What do you want?" He asked annoyed.

"To check on you." She said confused.

"Why don't you go have fun with Shiro. Seeing as thought you can't keep your hands off him."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know about the kiss."

"That isn't what you think Shiro kissed me I didn't kiss him. I swear." Kat tried to explain.

"Why would I care? Your just a solder in this fight. Your love life means nothing to me." Lotor said in anger.

"I thought I meant more to you then that..... I thought we where friends." Kat said in shock and sadness.

"You mean nothing to me Kat..... we're not friends." He said hatefully.

"I'm glade we aren't because you are the cruelest most evilest man I have ever met! Your worse than your father." Kat exclaimed running back to her room.

She felt tears stream down her face as she laid down on her bed and started to cry. After a hour she was finally able to go to sleep.

The purple lion (Lotor x oc)Where stories live. Discover now