Jiren X Reader

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Well this is officially my first one shot. I'm a bit nervous, i'm just going to wing it even though i have a rough idea about what this one will be about. Hopefully it turns out well or at least somewhat decent.

Before i start i didn't mention this earlier but i wont really have an update schedule due to school and me completing art projects. I'll update when i have free time.

Just in case you need it i'll put the abbreviations for things here. This is just for reference, i don't think i'll be using all of them this one shot. 

Your name- (Y/N)

Last name- (L/N)

Friends name- (F/N)

Pets name-(P/N) (cause why not XD)

Enemies name- (E/N)

(Y/N) (L/N) lived in a small town on a remote planet in universe 11. Although most would find such a place boring and uninteresting you found your home town to be quite the opposite. In your opinion it was the perfect place to live. It was quiet, peaceful, and the citizens who lived thee were probably the kindest people you knew. 

Today was different than most days. Today Bob Parker was coming to visit home. He had been away for a long time ever since he joined the Pride Troopers a few years back. Everyone in the town was celebrating his return, even you, although you weren't exactly close to him.

Although you were glad Bob was home,you were more excited to meet the other Pride Troopers, if they came. You had heard from your friend (F/N) that some of the other pride troopers might go with Bob on his visit. Although you highly doubted (F/N) was telling the truth you still could hope. If others pride troopers did tag along you would be ready. You were infatuated with them, and how they fought for justice. At one point in time  you even coincided becoming one. Alas, you never did. You knew you you'd miss your home too much, and besides you had zero to none fighting skills. With your luck you'd end up dead. Meeting any of the Pride Troopers would be enough for you, especially Jiren. He was your favorite out of all of them although you weren't sure why. It was something about him that made Jiren stick out in your mind.

"(Y/N) hurry or you won't get to see Bob",(F/N) yelled as she dragged you across the road.

"What if i don't want to see Bob", you said jokingly.

"Of course you do. Besides if you don't go you'll miss out on your chance to possibly meet Jiren", (F/N) Teased.

You blushed a bright shade of red. You secretly had a little crush on Jiren, though it wasn't a secret to (F/N). He/She used any opportunity to tease you about it they could. You got so distracted thinking about what you'd say to Jiren you didn't even realize you were at the place in town Bob where everyone was going to meet Bob.

"(Y/N) look it's Bob", (F/N) said.

You snapped out of your day dream and looked up to see someone walking through the forest at the outskirts of your town. It was Bob in his pride trooper uniform. He was alone though, Jiren nor the other Pride Troopers were nowhere to be seen.

"Bob did any other Pride Troopers come with you", you said not even realizing what came out of your mouth

"Yeah but they decided to stay in the ship.", Bob replied slightly irritated.

You blushed out of embarrassment. You didn't intend to say that. You looked up to see everyone in the crowd was staring at you, including (F/N). They all glared at you for asking such a rude question. It was clear they were not amused. 

You panicked and ran off into the forest to escape the embarrassment you felt.

"(F/N) come back." his/her voice said from the distance

Dbz/Dbs Jiren/Shin/Piccolo/Daishinkan/Hit X Reader One Shots (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now