Piccolo X Human Child Reader

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Requested by: @Princess_Kale

Since its Thanksgiving today technically since it is midnight here i had a strange thought. Do you think that Thanksgiving would be Goku's favorite holiday? He loves food and it is acceptable to literally eat all the food you want (though he does that any day).

I feel bad referring to Piccolo as a thing at the beginning because the child reader doesn't know what a namekian is.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Eat all of the food you can!!!

It was noon on a day in August. The sun was high in the sky, creating a scorching heat that most children your age would find unbearable. You did not let this phase you though. You were determined to stay outside. Everyday around this time some man always went by your orphanage. Well, he wasn't exactly a man or even human. You had no idea what he was, and this intrigued you.

All you knew about the mysterious thing was that he was tall and green, and for some reason reminded you of a green bean, your favorite food if it could walk, just more muscular. Since he had a cape as well maybe he was a super green bean.

Typically when the green guy passed by every day all of the other children in the orphanage when back inside out of fear. You never understood why though. He looked so cool. Maybe you were the only one who thought that way? Then again you liked green beans when most don't. Perhaps people don't like green things?

If all people are like that he must be lonely. That is why when he passes by the orphanage today you plan to approach him.  

Quietly you watched and waited by the fence of the orphanage for him to arrive. About 10 minuets passed before you could see a tall figure approaching in the distance. As it got closer you could hear the other children heading inside. 

He grew closer and closer and grew a bit nervous. You didn't really think of what you'd say or do when he passed by, which you probably should have done. You thought that maybe you should go inside and try again tomorrow. You quickly got that thought out of your head. There was no way you'd back out of it now.

You had to focus on the task ahead instead of worrying about what you would do. You looked through the fence and onto the road and noticed that the green guy was walking past the orphanage like always.

You froze for a moment before you quietly climbed over the fence and began to follow him. He didn't seem to notice your presence. He just continued walking, so you followed. That continued on for about 10 minuets or so until you both hit a fork in the road.

"Kid, why are you following me", he questioned?

"You look cool", you replied shyly.

"Don't you know its not safe to follow strangers", he replied.

"Well i watch you every day when you pass by the orphanage and you didn't look that mean.", you replied.

"Just because someone looks nice doesn't mean they are nice", he replied sternly.

You stared at the ground not sure what to say. It was clear that you were about to get a lecture from him, something that you didn't want, especially now since you didn't feel like you didn't anything wrong.

"I don't understand. I only thought you looked cool, unlike most people because they don't like green. That made me think you might be lonely, so i followed you", you sobbed looking at the ground.

You could feel the warm tears streaming down your cheeks as you continued to cry. your breathing picked up and snot began to fill up your nose from all of the crying. Your eyes were probably puffy too. That was until you felt his hands grab your face a wipe away your tears.

"Kid, i know you meant well, but doing something like that could put you in serious danger.", he said calmly looking at you.

You slowly began to calm down after he said that. Your breathing slowed down and the remaining tears dried up. After a few minuets there was no sign you were even crying.

"Hey kid, whats your name", he asked?

"I'm (Y/N). Whats your name?", you replied cheerfully.

"Piccolo", he replied

"Cool! What are you?", You asked hoping to finally discover what Piccolo was.

"I'm a Namekian", Piccolo replied.

The look on his face changed when you said that from calm to a slightly irritated one. You weren't sure why. You assumed that wasn't the best question to ask him. you just nodded not sure what to say after that.

"How old are you", Piccolo asked.

"5 and a half", you exclaimed.

You could see Piccolo smile slightly. It wasn't obvious but you noticed it. 

"(Y/N), earlier you said that you thought i might be lonely because a lot of people don't like green. What did you mean", Piccolo questioned.

"A lot of people don't like green beans which is my favorite food, along with other green foods. when you walk by the orphanage everyday everyone goes inside. Your green so i think since everyone doesn't like green they avoid you.", you replied.

He didn't say anything. The only thing Piccolo did was face palm and start to laugh.

"Whats so funny", you asked?

"Nothing", he said gaining his composure once more.

"Ok". you said.

"I think i should take you back to the orphanage now (Y/N)", Piccolo replied.

Piccolo the proceeded to pick you up and put you on your back. He then flew off in the direction of the orphanage. It was a cool yet terrifying experience being so high in the sky, feeling the wind go through your hair as you flew at a high speed. You weren't sure if you would want to do it again or not though. 

Then, just like that you were back at the orphanage. It  took no time at all to return, probably a minuet at most. Piccolo sat you down on the ground.

"Piccolo, why do you walk by here everyday if you can fly", You asked confused.

"I like to", he replied.

you and Piccolo stood in the yard for a moment. Suddenly you heard the door to the orphanage open. Mrs. Alexanders the woman running the orphanage ran out and hugged you. She seemed to be extremely concerned.

"(Y/N), where have you been. I've been worried sick.", she said.

"I'm sorry i followed Piccolo because i thought he might be lonely.", you replied

Mrs. Alexanders stood up and looked at Piccolo. At first she seemed kind of shocked by his appearance but soon shrugged it off. She was just glad to hear that you were safe and that no harm had come to you.

"Piccolo, I'm so sorry about the trouble (Y/N) cause you. I'm glad he/she is safe and sound now. Thank you for returning him/her back safely", Mrs. Alexanders said with gratefulness in her tone.

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N) wasn't any trouble at all. In fact i'd like to adopt this kid." He said slightly blushing. 

Well that would be it. I hope you enjoyed. 

If you haven't followed @Princess_Kale I'd do it. Love her one shots. They are great in my opinion. :) She also puts up with my Jiren fangirling

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