Jiren x Goku' Daughter Reader

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This is part of an experiment. I have the wattpad app on my phone and it allows me to update on it. I need you guys to be honest and let me know if it goes well. Im not sure how well the grammar and spelling will be since im typing it on my phone so let me know. If it goes well despite school i'll be able to update often since i have a study hall 3 days a week (dont do much during it) because of chemistry. Before you ask my school is lenient on the phone rule as long as its a study hall, lunch, or inbetween classes. Most teachers i have allow phones just not during, class after class is fine though. Be honest!!!!
Requested by my awsome buddy: Jackelyne8
(Note you will replace Frieza in this. Also basing the recruitment part offthe anime, since in the manga everyone knew what the tournament of power really was)
The tournament of power. You had been requested to participate in it. Initially you said no because your father Goku said it was just a competition to see which universe was the strongest. Yeah might have been an amazing fighter, unlike your father you did not have that drive to be the best fighter. You fought to protect the ones you loved. That what drove you. Things like martial arts tournaments seemed pointless to you.
Had you not discovered the universe's existence was at stake you definitely would not have fought.
Your universe was desperate for fighters though. It was either tell you the truth or recruit Frieza. Needless to say everyone choose you.
Oh boy were you pissed off when you found out the entire universe could be erased. What the hell was your dad thinking, trying to hide the truth about the tournament.
If he had just said, " Hey, (Y/N) I need you to participate in this tournament because our universe will get erased if we loose"
You would have eagerly joined had he said that. Of course your dad had to take the hard way.
None of this matters now. The tournament was about to begin. All of the warriors from universes, 2,3,4,6,7,9,10,and 11 were going to gather in this place called the void. The only universes that arrived besides ours were universe 6,and11
For the most part they appeared strong, but you were sure they were nothing you couldn't handle.
There was this one warrior that caught your attention. A universe 11 warrior who was part of the Pride Troopers.
Based on his looks he was definitely an alien. His grey skin stood out against his black and red Pride Trooper uniform. He had big round black eyes that reminded you of bug eyes. The man was also extremely muscular. You coulld see all of his muscles in his tight spandex uniform. Most of all that ass. It was perfectly round, and looked squishy. Damn, that ass had to have been strait from heaven cause it was perfect. Honestly you wanted to smack that ass, you wouldnt though cause he is your opponent.
In your eyes that man was pretty attractive, and you just had to learn his name.
Since your father was trying to conversate with the universe 11 warrior you took that as an oppurtunity to find out his name.
You walked over to where Goku and the other universe 11 warriors were. Frankly you were quite nervous and you didnt know why. You are one of the strongest warriors in your universe and you can't approach someone. Wow, so much for being one of the strongest in your universe. The way your acting your more like the shyest warrior in your universe.
Yeah, the person you were planning to approach was hot. How hard could it be compared to the fight the was imminent.
Once you approached the Pride Troopers you noticed that most of them were irritated, including the hot one. You assumed your dad said something rude, he had no filters whatsoever. So much for your plan.
"Dad, i think you should leave them alone. They dont seem too happy", you said grabbing Goku's arm.
"Lighten up (Y/N), i just wanted to see if i could have friendly fight before the toutnament", Goku replied cheerfully.
You facepalmed. Did your dad seriously want to fight these guys before a tournament where our universe is at stake. God you dad was so dense sometimes.
"Dad, you shouldn't be fighting before the tournament. Our universe is at stake", you scolded.
"But (Y/N)",Goku whined.
"No buts, besides i think lord Beerus is calling you", you replied slightly irritated.
Goku then walked off back to where the other universe 7 warrior were. He didnt seem to happy, but it's his fault.
"I apologize for my father. He doesn't think things through at times. He means well though", you said apologetically.
"Its fine.", The hot Pride Trooper replied.
Maybe your plan hadn't failed. He spoke to you which is good.
"May i ask what your name is", you asked blushing.
"Jiren", he replied with a slight smile.
"I'm sorry my father bothered you. I'll be going", you replied starting to head to where your father was.
"(Y/N), you can stay untill the tournament starts. Me and the other Pride Troopers don't mind.", Jiren replied punching Toppo slightly
"Ow, Yeah we don't mind. You seem poliet unlike your father" Toppo replied confused.
"Ok", you replied cheerfully.
You noticed a slight blush on Jiren's cheeks. It was probably just your imagination though.
You and Jiren talked for probably 20 minuets untill the rest of the universes arrived. You really enjoyed talking to him. Although he appeared to be cold he was extremely nice. It was so easy to talk to him.
Reality hit you. One of you was going to get erased. Why did you have to catch feeling for him.
"Jiren, i guess one of us is going to get erased.", you replied with a grim look.
"I heard the prizeus the super dragon balls,that can grantany wish. Maybe the winning universe will wish the universes back", Jiren said with hope in his voice.
"Perhaps, not all universes would wish for something like that", you replied looking at the ground.
"I will because im going to win", Jiren replied.
"How do you know you'll win. Maybe universe 7 will win", you replied.
"How about i make you a deal, If either of our universes win win lets wish for all the erased universes back", Jiren said smiling.
Honestly you were scared that your universe would be earased. It was reasuring to know there was a chance even of your universe lost you still could be brought back.
You suddenly hugged the muscular man.
"Thank you Jiren", you whispered.
You could feel his heart beating rapidly. It felt reasuring.
You then looked up at Jirenand smiled. He smiled back with a vibrant red blush that would put tomatoes to shame. You unintentionally blushed back.
"I probably should go", you said with sadness in your tone.
"Yeah, good luck.", jiren replied slightly frowning.
"You to", you replied
Before you walked off you had an idea. You were gonna smack that ass. Whats the worst that could happen. You probably wont see him again cause of the tournament.
Thats exactly what you did. You smacked his beautiful, heavenly ass. He just stood there stunned, eyes opened wide, his face red as a tomato.
You began to walk off satisfied with what you did. You felt Jiren grab your arm.
He suddenly spun you around and smacked his smooth lips onto yours. You two began to intensly make out, your tounges battling for dominace. You two eventually had to stop for air.
"I'd get going (Y/N), before i do more than just kiss you", Jiren replied blushing.
He then winked at you.
You blushed knowing whathe meant and walked off. Now was not the time for that.
Once you got to where the rest of your universes warrior were you stood there silently staring at Jiren.
Although you felt bad for having to fight him later on you knew if you lost there was still a chance your home would ve safe.
Maybe the tournament of power wouldnt be so bad after all.
Oh god. I died writing that part towards the end. OvO
The only downside to writing this im school was it killed my phone battery.
Remember requests are open!!!

Dbz/Dbs Jiren/Shin/Piccolo/Daishinkan/Hit X Reader One Shots (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now