Goku,Hit,Jiren x Reader

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This one is a bit tricky since I've never had 2 let alone 3 characters in one X reader one shot. I apologize in advance if it sucks.
I also don't know how it will play out so I'm just going to make some scenario up.
Requested by:ladyyolomancer1
Universe 7 had one the tournament of power, a tournament to decide which universe wouldn't be erased. The winning universe also got a wish granted from the super dragon balls. Since Universe 7 won they decided to wish back all of the universes that were previously erased.
It was a very fortunate thing to take place since your were lived in a universe that had previously been erased by Zeno. Universe 14 to be exact. Your not sure when but years ago your universe had been erased after Zeno had a temper tantrum and erased 6 universes.
Honestly you didn't even know your universe had been erased. Suddenly one day every thing went black for a long time, as if you didn't exist. Then almost as if someone snapped their finger everything appeared again.
Needless to say you were grateful as fuck that Universe 7 wished all the all the universes back. Without them you probably wouldn't exist anymore.
You were furious with Zeno and the Grand Priest though. How could Zeno destroy all those universes because he had a tantrum. The Grand Priest wasn't any better either, he let Zeno erase them.
Oh boy you would do anything just to give those two a piece of your mind even if it meant a good ass whooping.
Theoretically you could try. There would be a Universe meeting that Zeno and the Grand Priest would be at. There were two things stopping you. One it was a fight you would never win and two you wouldn't want to put the universes at risk of being erased.

*Time Skip*
You were at the Universe meeting. Although you wanted to thank Universe 7 for reviving all of the universes including yours, however you weren't the most social person in your universe so you didn't.
A lot of citizens from all universes attended the meeting. Due to your antisocial personality you just chilled in the corner. You akwardly stared at the ground for an hour occasionally looking up to take a sip from your drink. You had to stop doing that when someone poked your right shoulder.
You looked over to see who it was. To your surprise it wasn't just one person but 3. The one in the middle had black spiky hair that stood up in various directions. He looked extremely cheerful. The man on the left side of the spikey haired man was a purple alien with red eyes. He quietly stared at the ground while he had his hand in his pocket. The man to on the right was a grey alien. His extremely muscular build stood out like a sore thumb in his red and black spandex uniform. Like the purple alien he was bald as well.
"Hello, I'm Goku, these are my friends Hit, and Jiren. What's your name?",Goku stated cheerfully.
"We're not your friends Goku", Hit and Jiren said in unison.
You quietly chuckled.
"Oh, I'm (Y/N)", you replied quietly.
"Why are you all alone", Hit asked.
"I'm not very social.", You stated shyly.
I think it would be nice if you hung out with some people.", Jiren said.
"Well, what we're trying to say is that one of us would like to treat you to a drink or something", Goku stated.
"So all three of you are asking me out?", You asked while blushing.
"Well yeah I guess we are", Hit replied.
"You don't have to if you don't want to though, since you don't know any of us.", Jiren stated akwardly.
"Although you can't date all of us so you can only really pick one. What do you say?", Goku asked cheerfully.
You weren't really sure what to do. Yes you were extremely flattered, however if you didn't want to hurt any of their feelings. They all seemed like wonderful beings you had no idea who you'd choose.
You stood quietly in front of the 3 men and thought about who you'd choose.

*If you choose Goku*
You had decided on who you'd let take you out on a date of sorts.
You decided on Goku. He seemed so cheerful and innocent, it almost baffled you. You most certainly wanted to know more.
"I think I'll go with Goku I guess", You replied slightly blushing.
Jiren, and Hit then quietly walked away shocked at you decision.
You were left alone with Goku. You could feel your heart begin to race as you akwardly stared at the spikey haired man.
"So, (Y/N) what do you like to do for fun", Goku asked.
"Well I don't know. I guess I eat unique foods. I'm a food critique on the side after all. Fighting doesn't really bring in that much money where I'm from sadly.", You replied.
"Wow you criticize food.I bet you have eaten a lot of delicious things. That sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe i'll try it sometime. I can't always rely on fighting to pay the bills especially since I life all alone now", Goku said in amazement.
"Why do you live alone. You seem like a nice guy?", You asked inquisitively.
"Well me and my ex wife got divorced about a year ago and ever since I have lived alone.", Goku replied while scratching his head.
You felt awful for unknowingly bringing up a subject like that. It have been so hard for him going through the divorce.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't know.", You said in an apologetic tone.
"Don't worry about it (Y/N). I'm doing way better without her in my life. Besides now I can train as much as I want", Goku replied smiling.
"You seem to really like fighting", you teased.
"Yup. (Y/N) your a fighter to right. Maybe if you don't mind we can go over there and practice a little?", Goku asked while smiling.
You weren't expecting him to ask a question as ridiculous as that. Who would want to train while on a date with someone.
Well clearly Goku did. Honestly you didn't mind though. You found his enthusiasm for it extremely cute.
"Well, I guess so. I'm not the greatest fighter though.", You replied blushing.
You felt Goku grab you arm and began to drag you to the area you two would be training.
He looked so cheerful as he drug you across the room. It was hard not to smile.
"You ready?", Goku asked.
"I guess so.", You replied unsure of yourself.
"Don't worry (Y/N), you'll do fine.", Goku responded.
Goku then ran towards you and threw a barrage of punches at you. You dodged them with ease.
As you Dodged his punches you discovered that there was a small opening in between each punch that you could land a hit. You decided to try and go for it and land a punch right in his stomache. As you lounged towards Goku though your foot slipped.
You landed right on top of Goku and accidentally kissed him on top of that.
You blushed in embarrassment. You couldn't believe you did that.
"I'm so sorry", you said defensively as you blushed.
"Don't worry (Y/N), it's ok." Goku blushing back.
You turned your face away from Goku's to hide the embarrassment and shame you felt. Yes, it was an accident, however you enjoyed it. That made it a whole different thing.
You felt Goku turn your head back towards his. Your face was tomato red at this point.
"Hey, (Y/N), what kind of combat move was that", Goku flirted.
"I uh..", you were cut off by Goku pressing his lips against yours.
You closed your eyes and began to kiss back. Goku gently bit down on your lip so he could slip his tounge inside your mouth. His tounge then began to explore your mouth. You happily abliged. This continued for about a minute or so untill you both needed to stop for air.
"Well, whatever move that was it worked. You definitely won this fight, and my heart", Goku said blushing.
You blushed in return.
This might not have been the typical date but it definitely was the best one you'd been on in a while.

Dbz/Dbs Jiren/Shin/Piccolo/Daishinkan/Hit X Reader One Shots (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now